Chapter two: Something great.

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The smell of coffee engulfed the air, mixed with a musk of sweet vanilla. The shop was fairly full, chatters entwined with the gentle beat of teaspoons against cups, the scooting of chair legs against the worn floor and the clatter of objects being fiddled with behind the counter. It almost reminded you of the one at home, however it would have been much more quiet - less people. There was something about the city, the sounds and the lights that left you... overwhelmed.


You glanced up, almost startled by the figure that approached. From first glance you would have sworn he was a stranger. He was tall, a simple black t-shirt seemed to lazily hang off of his strong shoulders, accompanied by worn skinny jeans and a pair of trainers, merely scuffed at the edges. You couldn't ignore his build, his shoulders squared out, his arms mildly toned. But it was his eyes, a flash of hazel and gold against the beige background, accompanied with a tumble of steel waves that curled mildly around his forehead, kissing his temples. And that one mark just under his left eye, closing the misunderstanding.


"You look like you're hiding," he slid into the booth opposite you, smoothly letting his elbows rest on the table before catching your eyes, "you alright?"

It had been a while, several months in fact since you'd seen him. Since you'd half carried him home, after a party that had gone south far too fast. He'd been smaller then, though he'd always been beautiful, his eyes always full of uncertainty. But he seemed different now, as though he'd grown into himself, his eyes settled but they were stable on his environment- unwavering. He seemed stronger.

"It's been a while," you shifted in your seat, leaning forward.

He smiled, gazing at you like he always had - with that fondness that he had for you," I suppose it has, though you certainly haven't changed (l/n)."

To that you pouted," really? So I just look the same? Whilst you look like you've been smacked by puberty."

He furrowed his grow, "I'm too old for-."

"You get what I mean," you persisted waving your hands up," what's with the beefy shoulders?"

"Beefy shoulders?," he raised his eyebrows with a smile that spread across his lips imminently, "I've just been training, that's all."

"Wait?," you leaned forward,"have you-."

"No," his face went hard," no I haven't and I don't plan on doing so."

You almost wanted to say more, but you stopped yourself. No matter how much you begged him, it seemed he'd never truly understand.

"So," he tapped his fingers against the table," how was your first class?"

It had been a promise, since your second year at Karasuno. You'd been with him since you were 2 ft tall, you'd been with him in kinder-garden, elementary, middle school and high school. So you'd follow him to college. Though you didn't know why he'd made you promise, why he'd want that. But you didn't know why you'd agreed either, that winter, fingers as cold as ice, your wrist gripped by his hand, "promise me (f/n)." Yet here you were, in the city, in a loud, overpopulated cage - for him.

You studied his face, you could have told him it was horrible , told him the truth. But instead you beamed at him, "It was great!."

His face lit up, "I told you! It's going to be a new start for us, it'll be great - you'll see."

A new start, despite his developed appearance and the alternate location. You didn't feel like much was new. Because you'd still be biting your tongue around him, watching every movement. Stepping around egg shells. The break was imminent. Suga was the only person you'd really ever cared about to the point that it scared you. He was your best friend. But there was a distance there, a gap you knew you couldn't close. Because if you tried, you knew it meant the end.

"Yeah... yeah, it'll be great."

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