Chapter fifty four: Why?

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⭐️Please play the song above guys - it rly brings the mood together and I listened to it whilst writing this ( replay it if it stops) - Ly guys ⭐️


Two weeks later:

It had been a long day at work. Sometimes you wondered how you managed to balance everything - having a job as well as classes and rent to pay had already been taxing enough. Having yourself, a baby, a job, classes, a volleyball team and a relationship to focus on was another thing.

It had been a little while, since you'd stood there above the twinkling lights of the city with him. It sometimes didn't feel real - as though your mind had pieced up a work of fiction...about some other place than where you were. And that's exactly how it felt...almost too good to be true.

You'd been clouded with joyous remarks from your friends since you'd both announced it as official. They all claimed that they could have predicted it from a mile off...all of them beaming at you - because you must be happy right? Something you'd wanted so badly so long ago had finally came true...but then...why did you feel so uncertain?

You hadn't bothered bringing up the notion of Kiyoko to Suga, although a small part of you thought you should have - as his girlfriend. But most of you didn't see the point in bringing up a subject you didn't feel that strongly for...I mean you'd dated Oikawa right? Koushi was entitled to take an interest in other people...

You sighed, trying to fight against the confusion that only ever seemed to intensify as you let your feet drop down each step. Trying to dim down the factor that burnt so strongly through you...

You missed Tetsu.

He hadn't really spoken to you since the big 'mistake.' Though now he seemed completely silent, he wasn't in anyway rude...but he wasn't...himself. Though you guessed you were searching for a side of him you were no longer entitled to.

You grimaced at the sight of the heavy rain outside, pouting subconsciously at your lack of umbrella - already cursing the idea of having to physically 'run' to your car.

'"Don't be so moody. What's the worst that's gonna happen huh? You'll just get a lil...wet."'

You could hear his voice in your head followed by that dorky a*s laugh of his - immediately knowing he would have taken it in an un-kosher way. You know you would've laughed too and retorted by slapping him on the bicep as hard as you could in attempts to scold him for such bad behaviour.

A small smirk worked its way upon your lips at the thought. Because that's what Tetsu did - he took everything difficult, stressful and scary and made it better with just one simple comment...sometimes he didn't have to say anything at all...even when he seemed a little out of place - just the sight of him was somehow comforting.

You remembered the moment just before Ryūs arrival, how he'd gripped your hand. He'd seemed so frightened , so unsure. But you didn't feel alone when he was there...every moment, even the simple ones where you felt a little lost he'd swoop in and point you in the right direction. You'd never managed to thank him for any of that...

You pushed your way out of the glass doors and scurried as fast as you could down the street, aware of your shoes slapping against the concrete as you made a B-line for your car. Your hand shuffling in your jacket pocket for a moment before bringing out the key.

"Ah hah!," you remarked, squirming at the feeling of rain drops slipping down your face, forcing you to blink harshly. Jamming in the key, you turned it quickly, grabbing at the handle to swing the door open. Your arm went slack, your eyebrows arching as the door refused to move. You tugged again, harder, letting out a pained gasp as your fingers flipped away from the handle sharply.

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