Chapter three: Glitter in the dust.

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"Why don't you listen," you couldn't look at him, your fingernails digging into your palms- stinging in harmony with the tears in your eyes,"why do you trap yourself?"
"I don't know what you're talking about-"
You turned, late evening had softened his gentle face, sparking the gold in his eyes and highlighting the tips of his hair,"why Suga? Why won't you fight for more!"
"I'm no ace (f/n), Asahi-"
"Why are you doing this to yourself?! Why are you holding yourself back?! Do you not want to succeed."
"I'm a setter-."
"No, no you're not! You're the great-."
His fingers gripped your wrist abruptly, his pupils had grown small,"don't."
"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM WITH ME!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH WHAT IM DOING NOW?! WHAT MAKES IT SO WRONG?," his tone was harsh and raw - not like him at all. Not your Suga.
"WHO I AM?!," he flinched, "I'm-"
"You don't know what's good for you," You gritted your teeth,"you're fading Koushi."
He ripped his grip away from your wrist, his face frightened- hurt.
"You're in denial, you're hiding!"
"Since when do you know what's best huh?," he started to say something else but his mouth closed , the tension that had blazed in his frame melting.
"Maybe you're right (l/n)," you watched feeling air smack harshly against the back of your throat, you were breathing hard as a result of your frustration. You watched as his foot skidded backwards away from you, before he turned - moving so that his back was facing you. Before taking a step away.
"Wait Suga! I-."
He held up a hand before continuing. His Karasuno jacket moved in the light wind. You felt your heart drop.


"Where am I? Where am I? Where am I?," you muttered, walking in random directions, oblivious that you were going in circles. The map you'd been handed hadn't deemed itself as being of much use. The writing was far too small, and the diagram was confusing. You tried to apologise to every person you tumbled into, most of them giving you glances of distaste.

It was no use, you'd never find your way around. You huffed , palming your forehead,"what the f*ck am I gonna do?"

"Do you want me to look at that map for you?"

You whaled, jumping in distress at the pervy voice that had appeared so close to your own ear that you had felt the hotness of the owners breath tickle your skin. How absolutely mortifying.

You stumbled around, feeling dizzy due to your abrupt actions. Though your state wasn't aided by who stood in front of you, they only made you more of a wreck.

Black hair tumbled in a cluster of locks around his head, adding to the volume of his already tall frame. Amber eyes blazed at you, though one was slightly caged by his tumbling hair. His face was sharp yet strong, his jaw was abrupt yet smooth, only ever complimenting the tones that ran down his neck. He was muscular too, not too much, the right amount. He wore a grey hoodie, against black jeans and sneakers that seemed to have been scribbled over with several different pens.


You felt your chest fill with nerves, here he was. The one person you couldn't control yourself around, the one that made you feel so unprepared and flustered that it was too ultimately embarrassing to re-live. You'd assumed you wouldn't need to see him again, which was fine by you given your previous encounter, yet here he was - in the middle of a random college in Tokyo with that dumba*s grin on his face.

"(L/n) right?," he pursed his lips, pointing a scarred finger at you.

You attempted to straighten yourself up,"I - yeah that's definitely my name I-."

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