Chapter twenty one: Full circle.

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You moved like magnets, when one moved so did the other,sat on the floor of the living room, endless packets and empty cans strewn around you. You moved lazily giggling over every little thing, as did he.

His hair had fallen into his eyes, away from their usual windswept array. His eyes a glitter of amber in their wake, gazing at you with all the fondness you felt. His knee leaning against yours, you could feel its warmth, rolling into you, filling you up with comfort.

"You look sleeeeepy," you ran a hand up to his face, twirling his silver locks in between your fingers,"don't tell me you're sleeeeoopy."

He chuckled, the toxic blush on his cheeks deepening,"you're such a light weight (y/n)."

"No," you bopped his nose with your finger,"I'm not! And it's your fault anyways."

He gripped at your hand gently, tilting his head to the side,"how so?"

"You brought the magic stuff Mr.Sugawara, you wanted to get me like this," you slumped, slurring a smile, your side against the bottom of the sofa.

"I would never conspire to do something that's such a dishonour," he choked on a giggle, dipping his head closer to you.

"I do not know if I believe you sire."

"Sire!?," he puffed out his cheeks before letting out a huge cackle,"why are we speaking like we're in a f**king period drama!?"

"OH I LOVE THOSE!," you smirked,"maybe you could be like my lord and I'm your humble maid."

"You?!," he spat,"humble?"

"HEY!," you brought your hand up swinging at him, meeting your palm with his cheek to which he furthered his chuckles,"IM AN ANGEL!"

"Mhm, sure sure - I have no prejudice against self identification," he held up his toned hands in surrender.

You pursed your lips, shooting him a glare. He stared back at you, his expression unmoving, soft and gentle. Pure. You felt your face relax, your heart almost stop. Suga was beautiful, you'd always thought that but that hadn't meant anything for a long time well not until...

"What?," he grinned, revealing his teeth,"What is it?"

"Nothing," you turned away,"I'm tired," you started to get up.


You turned, his hand had gripped onto your wrist, his chocolate orbs gazing at you, lips soft in the hazy light of the lamps. Why now? No, this couldn't be happening.

"Koushi," you found your breath catch in your throat.

He shifted taking both your wrists in his, standing to meet you. He was taller than before , almost towering over you, his whole body defined and gentle. Not like before, not when you had loved him.

But do you still?

He was gazing into your eyes, his dark lashes sheltering the godly flecks of hazel that you'd glanced at plenty of times. But now was different. You wanted him, but why? Why now?

"I am just...tired- really ," you could hear your breath shake, being this close to him. How you'd wished for it long ago, how you'd been told you couldn't have it.

He raised his hand to your cheek "no, that's not it," he shook his head,"did I say something or-."

"No, you haven't done anything Kou."

He flinched at the nickname, something you hadn't called him in so long. Not since the fields, not since his dismissal.

There was hesitance looming in the air, mixed with the sweet scent of him. You were pulled to him just as much as you felt yourself pulling away.

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