Chapter five: The surface of you.

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You felt flustered, sitting in your room, surrounded by cushions and blankets you'd brought from home. Though the space was comfortable you couldn't help but fidget around - was now the right time to call him? You didn't know and that made you nervous.

If you didn't call him then he'd get upset, if you did then he might get annoyed that you did it so soon. You'd left it long enough right? The ink wouldn't stay on your skin forever. But maybe he was busy, maybe you'd be interrupting-

You shook yourself out, taking a sigh. Your friends had always told you that you thought about things to much. Your teams libero had insisted that to do things the moment they came to your head was the best option, though that worked for her during a match, it always ended in her building up a bit of a reputation in every other scenario.

You shook Hideko out of your head, picking up your phone which you'd been terrified to touch. You dialled the number carefully, checking over it twice. You held it up against your ear, hearing it transfer to a ring within seconds, feeling your heart skip beats as you waited.

"Y'llo?," the voice that came through was clearly Kurro's, deep and level. You felt yourself smile.

"It's me," you half muttered, kicking yourself afterwards. You didn't need to act so afraid, you'd helped carry your team to nationals, faced fights with rowdy opponents, looked Shiritorizawas captain in the eyes and had mocked him.

"Oh (l/n)! What a loovvvveeellly surprise."

"I was afraid you'd have a paddy if I didn't call you," you moved your legs up onto the bed, smiling all the while.

He chuckled, the sound tickling your ear and making you squirm a little in bafflement," yeah I suppose, or maybe I would've just had to find you and talk to you face to face."

"Oh Kuroo," you teased,"that's soo old fashioned."

He chuckled again, causing you to bite your lip, "I would like to see you again though, if that's okay," his tone suddenly became shaky, almost shy.

"Of -," you felt your heart skip," of course that's okay, why wouldn't it be okay?"

"I knew you wouldn't be able to resist, so hopelessly infatuated by me."

You grinned, "oh yes, totally."

The rest of the night was spent talking upon the surface of things, you'd found out that 'Mr.Pips' was Kuroos favourite café purely because he got to see Akaashi dressed in a tacky apron. Hearing Kuroo laugh and tease was enough to keep you more than satisfied, though it was you who ended the call, half because of the time and half because of how absent Suga had been. Kuroo had protested profusely, making your face heat up, but you assured him you'd make plans soon which settled him.

You rolled off of the bed, dimming your lamp before strolling out the door. Suga's room was a little down from yours.

You frowned at the closed door. His door was always open, it had been more comforting that way, usually he'd be more than willing for you to join him , to discuss whatever was on your mind. It was only when you stood outside that you hesitated.

You had to stop doing this, you'd done nothing wrong. You didn't need to apologise. He was mature enough, he didn't need your reassurance.

You lowered your hand from the handle as a result of that thought before returning to your own room.


You lazed in your seat, taking notes as the lecturer continued to ramble, interrupted on the odd occasion by the odd question here and there. You were feeling particularly happy, the call last night had left you giddy, however this morning when you got up, Suga hadn't spoken to you, stepping around each other in silence. That stung, it was rare that you weren't strewn up in conversation, even when you were apart you communicated over text.

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