Chapter forty two: 息子さん.

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He was biting his lip, watching helplessly as you tensed over and over, throwing your head back as you screamed. He gripped your hand tighter and tighter, hoping it would provide reassurance. He flinched suddenly, you let out a louder screech, your face was a deep shade of red, sweat dripping down your forehead, your eyes clenched shut. He could see the nurses rush forward, talking to each other in quickened tones.

"Okay, one more!," they urged, their gaze on you firm.

Your chest rose and fell quickly, you let out a groan of discomfort before sucking in a mass of air, your hand crushing his as your back arched, a groan escaping your lips - you held that stance for a little moment before your body fell back onto the bed, your legs shaking as you gasped for air. He shifted, reaching out his hand to push away the (h/c) strands that had clutched to your face but then...

A small cry broke through the air - instantly it pulled at the two of you, your heads turning in the direction it had came from. He was suddenly aware of your hand still in his as you squeezed it - though gently this time, your (e/c) orbs widening.

The nurses moved forward, gently placing a towel on your chest...your arms rose took in your hands a tiny figure with reddened skin, their little soft legs kicking outwards as you layed them down upon you. Their little head rested on your chest, their cheek smushing against it as they seemed to settle, their small shiny lips parted. He was mesmerised watching as the newborns chest rose and fell, their minuscule fingers curled.

He darted his eyes softly at you, tears had started to slip down your cheeks, a warm, exhausted smile having cracked upon your lips. You brought up your hand, brushing your fingers gently against the infants head, it ruffled the few black tufts that stuck out messily.

Kuroo shifted up onto the bed next to you, feeling your shoulder gently brush against his chest. He reached down, passing his thumb slowly and subtly down your child's face, their skin was soft and warm - Kuroo gulped trying not to let the tears come crashing out. He stroked the back of his hand against their arm, to which they let out a little squeak that left you quietly giggling but that's when he lost it - tear after tear slipped down his face.

You turned to face him, eyes widening a little,"Are you okay?"

He nodded quickly, snatched away from his awe by a tap on the shoulder. He turned looking up at them, another nurse - they wore a fake smile, holding a pair of clean looking scissors in front of him.

"Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?"

He didn't really reply, he simply held out his hand, she placed the scissors into them. He turned back to you, you'd positioned the child slightly on their back and though there was a task to complete Kuroo felt the need to check...

It's a boy...

He moved forward, gripping the cord in between his fingers before halting,"it won't hurt him? Right?"

One of the only nurses left shook her head swiftly,"no it won't do him any harm."

He focused on the challenge, wanting to position it just right. He slowly but effectively snipped off the cord which was snatched quickly by the nurse, before she excused herself  for a moment leaving the three of you alone.

You were flicking your gaze between the two boys, smiling uncontrollably- your cheeks ached. You could see the look on Kuroos face, the grin that broke his lips, the dampness of his cheeks as his amber eyes sparkled down at your son, his hand gently stroking his plush skin.

"Do you want to," you bit your bottom lip,"hold him?"

Kuroos eyes widened, he simply nodded, shifting so that his body was stable. You moved swiftly sweeping the baby and the towel up in your arms and gently placing them in his. You altered your sitting so that you were upright, your head close to Kuroos shoulder. You tried not to burst into full on sobs of happiness at the sight of Tetsurōs strong well-worked arms gently supporting your tiny little man. He was so gentle, hardly moving at the feeling apart from his free hand that came up again to touch the little ones face.

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