Chapter twelve: Fog.

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You lay there, sunk into your sheets, surrounded by the many patterned cushions you'd collected. You stared at the ceiling, letting out a huff of breath. You'd tried to push what Suga had said out of your mind, but you couldn't, at one point he'd been the only person you'd trusted - which meant something.

Without thinking you reached your arm out, grabbing at your phone before unlocking it and selecting Instagram. It took you seconds to type up the name, and your heart fluttered when you saw an account pop up. Kuroos face was in the profile picture... much different from his current account. He was shirtless in this one, unlike the cheesy one he had now, his face nuzzled against a grey cat that seemed completely uncomfortable with being in the picture.

You closed your eyes clicking on the link, when you opened your eyes again you felt sick. There were images and images with him and other girls, though some were of him and his friends. Some even had pictures of him, completely out of it, his face seeming almost limp.

You clicked on an image, in which a blonde girl was laying on top of him, her pupils huge, her hair a mess, her clothes covered in sweat. What really disgusted you were the comments, they flirted back and forth, her explaining how she'd enjoyed their 'fun' and him mentioning how he she had a 'nice as*'

You shut your phone, throwing it down the bottom of your bed, burying your head in your cushions trying to fight against the feelings that mustered in your chest.

Four weeks later:

You'd decided not to discuss what you'd discovered with Kuroo, pushing it aside as though nothing had happened- which meant you didn't need to deal with it.

You hadn't spoken to Suga hardly at all and you couldn't help but notice a pattern. You fought and fought until all there was left to fight over was the silence , which was just as useless as any of the disagreements you'd had.

Despite everything, you still found yourself being able to fall for Kuroo. He was a difficult person to ignore.

This week however, he'd been away. He'd told you he was going to a training camp, that he'd call you every night if you wanted him to - letting paranoia slip over you, you'd agreed, but in the end you'd just enjoyed hearing his voice.

College had ended for the day, later Daichi would be leaving. You felt guilty, you'd hardly spoken to him, half the time it was as though he was hardly even there, apart from where you'd crossed him walking out of the bathroom and accidentally walked in on him in the spare room assuming that no one was in it so you could retrieve the extra toilet roll that Suga always insisted on stocking up. When you had talked to him he'd assured you he was okay, explaining how hard he was trying to get himself back in track to which you'd felt relieved.

You let your boots hit the last two steps, sighing at the sky, which was a blanket of white clouds. You found yourself desperate for the summer, to feel the heat, the light, the joy of summer rain.

You were about to turn on the street when you noticed a figure running down to you, their black hair flying away from their face as they ran. He looked flustered, as though he'd threw his clothes on without thinking, his jacket hanging down his arms.


You stopped, turning to face them,"y-you're back?"

He huffed halting in front of you, a smile breaking out on his face before you were forced into his chest,"I missed you!"

It had only been a week, but you supposed you had too. However a week away from Kuroo had only left you to think, over and over again. What if he was using you? Was he still in contact with them girls? When was the last time he'd seen them?

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