Chapter fifty three: The catch.

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' The curtains floated limply, a cold rush of air invading the tranquilness of the room. It unsettled the midnight locks that protruded from his dazed head, his shoulders tensing in light of the stinging breeze.

He groaned slipping onto his side as his eyes dared to open, eyelids breaking apart as a yawn broke through his throat. It was morning, so much was assured by the subtle buzz of cars - it was usually quieter at this hour...though Tetsurō know very well that the peace wouldn't last for very long.

He arched his brows, breaking out of the covers - he must have left the window open last night, though he wasn't sure had been fairly bitter out when he'd left Ryū in Bokuto and Akaashis care...when he'd...discovered you.

He ran a defined hand down his groggy complexion - the notion of you with 'him' left a horrid taste in his mouth, and although he'd just awoken - the memory seemed to diminish any energy he might have harboured.

He tried to blink away the image of his hands on you as he slammed the window shut, knocking one last gush of icy air against his bare chest. He let his hand fall, his eyes shutting for a seemed that the more he fought against that memory...the stronger it got...

He stumbled across the room, the haziness that weighed heavy within his glittering hazel eyes forcing his head to hang low. He felt as though a part of him was still asleep, oblivious to the conscious world as it whirled around...and perhaps that was for the best, oblivious unconsciousness was undoubtedly better than to live a day fully aware of the cloud of defeat that hung above your head, or the metaphorical heaviness of your feet as you attempted to drag them across the withering floor.

He wasn't one for taking losses so negatively - after all : failure only gave way for him to improve, it highlighted his downfalls and called for development...though right now he could see no flaw, no option, no way to were happy - it was time for him to give it up.

He slid through the door that sat slightly open and made his way into the living area, running the tips of his fingers against the walls he'd painted himself - all that time ago, completely oblivious as to what would become of him. He'd been so confident and cocky, so excited and that all seemed too much, how could he present himself in such a way when the events that had occurred had battered him mercilessly- forcing the playfulness out of him...

He reached out towards the sofa, expecting to grasp at the folded play-mat he'd left there just the night before - Ryū would most likely be energetic when he got up, it'd be best to prepare beforehand. He arched his brows when his touch brushed at empty space, the furnitures material playing at his senses rather than the softness of the mat.


He flinched, his gaze shooting towards the door that was opened ever so slightly. Shuffling sounded from outside of it, his left hand grasped at a nearby glass cup that had been discarded. His heart subtly hammering in his chest as he crouched slightly, slowly edging towards the door. No one else had a key apart from him, you'd handed back your spare key as soon as he'd moved back in...he always locked the door - double checking it when Ryū was with him.

He stilled as the wooden slab strained against its hinges, giving way to the culprit - he raised the glass and-

"Babe? What are you doing?"

The cup slipped out of his grasp, tumbling against the floor as his eyes ran over you, his heart hammering more vigorously.

You pushed your tangled hair out of your face as you hugged a paper grocery back to your chest, gently moving to close the door behind you. He stayed still as he watched you waltz towards the kitchen, dropping the bag onto the desk as you started to unpack it.

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