Chapter twenty six: Wrong.

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Two days later:

You woke up in a haze, not wanting to move from the slump you lay in, your hair cascading around you. The sheets meshed with your skin, pulling you downwards when you knew the right thing to do was welcome the day... because then maybe you'd get distracted and wouldn't feel so- lonely.

Your curtains left your room in an echoing whisper of light, leaving your lazy gaze at peace as you dragged yourself upwards. Sitting on the edge of the bed, you threw your head back, running your fingers through your hair, letting out a sigh before standing.


You gripped at your mouth, rushing impatiently to the bathroom before releasing the pent up fluid into the bottom of the toilet pan. You sighed, wiping at your clammy lips with the back of your arm before evidently having to throw up again, shuddering afterwards at the horrid taste in your mouth.

After flushing and washing up, you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. Your skin was pale, but luckily you'd suffered little to no breakouts lately, your hair brushed against your shoulders in a frizzy mess.

"Ugh," you frowned, poking at your cheek,"what's all the fuss about anyways huh? Look at me?!"

It never occurred to you how much you talked to yourself, only the past two days had really made you realise...however this time there was no one there to yell '"(f/n) what you chatting!?"' Or '"Babe who you talking to!?"

It took you little to no time to get ready, you didn't care too much today. You just wanted to get out.

As you were walking towards the door in a plain grey shirt tucked into jeans and basic boots you halted because what lay on the counter left you a little shook.

There it was in all its glory, the red material stark against the white counter, its intricate buttons shining in the little light that edged its way through the windows.

You shook, reaching for a different coat from the rack, taken a back by what you grabbed. The material was also red, except it was way too big for you, the white letters printed on the back making you gulp.


You brought the material up to your face, hugging it to your chest. It smelt of him, of mint leaves and soap, you basked in it for a moment before flinching out of your trance, reluctantly laying the jacket back on the hanger before opting for a plain black coat instead.

You grasped at the door handle before jumping out of your shoes.

Akaashi stood there casually, stylish in a white jumper and black jeans a coffee flask in hand,"you're late."

"Huh?," you arched an eyebrow,"I'm ready."

He eyed up your outfit, shaking his head before sighing, turning on his heel and heading down the hall swiftly.

You looked after him, before locking the door and rushing in his direction, tossing your hair up in a bun as your footsteps fell in line with his.

"I can't believe you actually agreed to do this today," he swung his keys around his fingers,"I half expected to find you asleep on the couch in puke stained pjs- oh wait," he paused,"that was yesterday."

You frowned, looking away shyly. Akaashi hadn't left you side since it had all happened, but he wasn't exactly the softest when it came to cheering you up. He'd let you sob the first time but straight afterwards he'd been ripping the ice cream out of your grasp, forcing you to get changed and demanding you eat 'properly.'

Today he was making you go to college, which he said would help you take your mind off things, though you doubted it would. No matter how much you picked yourself back up, you still couldn't rid of the loss that plagued you, to the point where you couldn't breath on occasion.

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