Chapter sixteen: Home.

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The drive to Kuroos home has taken around an hour or so. He'd seemed particularly nervous the whole way there, biting at his nail profusely until he'd made it bleed causing a spark from you and an instant urge to scold him. When you'd told him to calm down he'd assured you he was fine, but you could see him looking around wildly, glancing at you on occasion, waiting for you to approve of the location.

You found yourself smiling at the trees protruding from peoples gardens, at the amount of stray cats that skittered around the pavements. This wasn't like home, but it didn't seem all that much like a city either.

His hand slipped gently over the steering wheel as you pulled up outside a house, the walls painted a sandy grey. You marvelled, letting your feet hit the concrete of the driveway, flowers of all sorts had been planted, some scaling the fence and others crawling over the path to the clean white door.

"Kuroo," you glanced back at him,"it's so pretty."

He smiled plushly, shrugging,"she likes her flowers."

You gave a final glance at the plants before following him towards the door, he brought out a key, fumbling gently but the door swung open causing him to yelp, knocking him almost clean off his feet before he could yank the key out.

A fresh smell invaded you as you glanced at the figure that lay before you. A huge smile spread upon her lips, black hair that just brushed her shoulders, she wasn't huge, she was short you'd guess maybe 4 ft? She was only slightly rounded, the body most moms had.

Her eyes fell on Kuroo, her arms wasting no time to wrap around him, yanking him down to her height. She nuzzled into him.

"Mmmm, my boy it's been too long!," she swatted at his back with her hand, earning a kind chuckle from her son.

"I know, I know - I was busy, I'm sorry mom I-."

She let go, waving him off before laying her eyes on you. Hands smacking against her sweet grin.

"And this must be (l/n)! Oh my gosh, honey hello!," she took a step or two forward embracing you in a hug that made you gulp down air, she was warm and gentle and instantly made you wholesome.

'I must protect this woman.'

When she pulled away from you she laid a hand on your cheek, gasping lightly,"you're so precious, oh my-."

"Mom," he was looking away, red faced , his mouth in an uneven line.

"What?," she chuckled,"I'm just having a right look at her," she faced back to you,"and absolutely lovely you are!"

She looked between the two of you with a kindling satisfaction before waving her arms around and marching back into the house, urging the two of you to follow her. Kuroo slid into the foundation casually, before informing the two of you he'd be dropping all the luggage off in his room.

When you were alone she ushered you into the kitchen exclaiming proudly,"I made you guys a cake!"

You stared dumbfounded at the lemon cake she presented to you, the sugary aroma fulfilling your senses. She recognised this and smiled,"I'm glad you like it."

You awkwardly climbed onto the kitchen chair, glancing around the kitchen. All wood furnishing and soft colours, you tried to imagine the chaos Kuroo had described but no matter what you couldn't seem to fathom that it had ever happened.

"You know he really likes you."

You gazed at her. She, unlike her son had wide pale green eyes and fair skin. However they both had the same thoughtful gaze and as you'd noticed earlier, the same charming dimples.

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