Chapter thirty two: Other halve.

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You'd settled in the field, after grabbing some food from Sakanoshita which only left you feeling old, gazing over the refurbishing in slight distaste. Most of the town was the same, pulling you back to a time when the biggest issue on your mind was whether you'd be able to beat that snobby red-haired spiker from Shiratorizawa, or if your dad hadn't eaten all the pork buns your mom had claimed to have made earlier that day.

When you looked over at Hideko, her soft face free of stress lines, her dyed hair brushing against her small shoulders, those bright brown eyes full of excitement and content, you where overwhelmed with envy - sure she was a third year, which was arguably the scariest experience a high schooler could face...but you couldn't help but feel that if you took back your whining and cursing then you'd most likely opt to relive your last year at Karasuno over and over again for the rest of your life.

"You're not eating," she pouted, her lips sticking out playfully as she leaned in closer to you," you need to eat, c'mon - you gotta have that energy-."

"I think the smell of the train made me lose my appetite," you smiled politely, much to Hidekos dismay who wasn't taking no as an answer, persisting to raise a small pastry to your lips, and when you didn't oblige decided to smush it against your lips, smothering crumbs all over your face.

"EEEEEaaaaattt it."

"Okay! Okay!," you took it in your mouth, smiling as Hideko giggled at you , her leg against the damp grass.

"Soooo," you bumped her with your shoulder," any tea?"

She smirked tentatively, gazing down at her hands," I mean...there's the formal soon so-"

"They're actually doing that this year?," you questioned, recalling how they'd told your year there simply wasn't enough money so instead gave you cinema coupons which Asahi insisted on collecting for some strange reason, though you'd given yours to him without a complaint, "Are you going with anyone?"

She gave you a sideways glance, pursing her lips, "I mean - I want to but I don't think they'll be up for it or even if they'll come with me-"

You jumped, placing a hand on her knee, "WHO??!!"

She laughed, blushing before murmuring a response, "Kageyama..."

You arched your brows, clearly expecting it to be Nishinoya - who was ultimately obsessed with her and had been ever since Kiyoko had left. You were sure that Hideko had felt the same way but the answer surprised you, as you leaned back on your hands,"Kags? Why Kags? He's so quiet and you're so-"

"Loud and obnoxious?," she quirked up an eyebrow, " Yeah I know - that's exactly why I'm having my doubts."

You studied the girl, who'd picked up a daisy, twirling it in between her fingers, her gaze directed towards the end of the hill and the houses of the town that gradually grew the further you looked. You thought about saying something deep and meaningful, but you realised this probably wasn't the time, making some psychological quote wouldn't ease the stress the younger girl was facing no matter what mindset you were in.

"He'd be mad to refuse you," you chirped," and if he does then I'll f**king throttle him!"

She grinned at you,"you really mean it?"

"That I'll throttle him? Of course - I'm kinda in the mood to punch someone anyway-"

"No- that he'll be mad to refuse me? The throttling part goes without saying," she peered at you with wide eyes, you softened. You always had been fond of Hideko , her lack of patience, the energy she contained - that seemed limitless, how passionate she was about her sport, and the genius that lay behind the goofy mask.

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