Chapter nineteen: Oblivious.

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There had been an uneasy tension between the two of them, though Suga dared say anything. Nishinoya didn't deserve to be faced with any conflict, not after what he was going through. Suga almost felt mad at Daichi for showing up, even though he hadn't bothered contacting him about it - Daichi hadn't talked to him in days.

They'd said their goodbyes which lasted a long time. Suga couldn't quite bring himself to leave - the idea of Noya being unable to get up, unable to play and then being alone. Suga couldn't fathom it. He didn't like it. It left him feeling helpless and he hated that.

Now they were walking a familiar path home, the ex-captain holding an expression of guilt and uncertainty. His dark features just barely viewable in the air of the night. Suga would recognise him anywhere though, he knew Daichi. And by the way Daichi was holding himself - he must have known that too.

"So," Suga gave him a side glance, shoving his hands in his pockets,"what are you doing here?"

"You're mad," he dipped his head, glancing down. His lips set in an uneven line, making Suga sigh.

"I never said that," he shook his head glancing at the street they walked down, the shop shutters closed, the only light coming from the cracks in blinds and curtains of houses muffled with subtle sounds, slumped there tiredly as the night engulfed them. He'd walked down these streets so many times, each time had held a different story - though this one was somehow different, because this felt real. He wasn't a kid anymore, he had things to be worried about.

"You didn't have to," Daichi gave a weak smile,"I could tell by the way that you looked at me."

"You said you were going back," Suga glanced back at his friend, trying not to be harsh,"you said you were gonna hop on the right path, you didn't even bother contacting me after when you swore you would. (F/n) and I were worried sick."

"I don't feel like it was the right path though," he ran a hand through his dark hair, his jacket ruffling lightly in the swarming silence of the town,"if I went back then things wouldn't change, Suga I think I made the wrong choice."

Suga glanced at him startled. Never before had Daichi seemed so unsure, even when he'd stayed with them he'd reassured Suga that he knew what he was doing. This was probably one of the only times Daichi had seemed purely uncertain. The whole notion was rather sobering.

"What do you mean?," he furrowed his brows,"Daichi you got a scholarship , it's a great college, you deserve it - it's a great opportunity."

"Yeah but-," he clenched his fists, scuffing his shoes as he halted, the light from the lamppost illuminating half of his face,"I was fine here, there was nothing wrong here."

"Daichi," Suga turned, flinging his shoulders lightly,"that doesn't matter, to experience something new - to do something different doesn't mean it's wrong."

"But I lost you guys," he turned his face away, the muscle in his face twitching as he swallowed,"you guys were my team, my friends and I left you. I didn't bother contacting you, I discarded everything we'd built together for something I thought would would be...better," he looked down,"they weren't my friends Suga, they didn't know me and they didn't care to know. I had to pretend to be someone I wasn't."

Suga stayed there stunned. Daichi stood there, shoulders slumped, the pale light creating an eerie halo on his small waves, his face drawn pale and plush,"and then I had no one," he clenched his first tighter,"and I didn't know what I was doing, I was lost. And so I got on a train and I didn't know where I was going but I ended up in Tokyo, and I just started walking...," he took a sharp intake of breath,"and I just ended up at your door, and I thought you'd hate me."

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