Chapter forty six: Change.

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One month and two weeks later:

You glanced down at your son as you heard the sound of the door shutting, echoing blatantly throughout the apartment. Kuroo had moved out yesterday, you'd washed his clothes for him - though he hadn't asked and had folded them neatly in preparation. There'd been silence, as you watched him throw the rest of his things into the back of his car, as he'd greeted your little one 'goodbye,' as you'd held onto each other for a single moment...your minds so uncertain, your free hand clutching at him...wishing for a tighter hold. You'd returned to your home, basking in the silence that taunted you - playing at the notion that were really alone.

You must have lasted just a few hours before you phoned him up, shaking with a crying Ryūrō in your arms. He'd rushed over in seconds, his hazel eyes taking in the tears that instead ran down your face. He'd stayed with you for the rest of the night since Ryū refused to settle. You'd sat with him as he'd ushered you with words of comfort...telling you that you could do it - that it would all be okay...but would it?

Your eyes soaked up your child, who was gurgling in front of you. You were both on your bed, the mis matched cushions scattered everywhere. His soft wisps of dark hair ruffled softly as he wiggled, his hazel eyes wide on you - the freckles painted along his cheeks evident in the morning light. He was dribbling all over his hand with he persistently stuck in his mouth. He seemed overjoyed - whilst you on the other rubbed at your eyes that stung cruelly, nudging at your ear to rid of the ringing that was inflicted by Ryūrōs continuous  balling.

You reached down, pushing some hair away from his little face,"trust you," you yawned,"to be okay now - now that he's stayed the night."

Ryū wiggled his little hips, curving his lips upwards as he blew bubbles at you. You scrunched up your face, lifting up his bib to his mouth, he let out a little moan of annoyance as you smudged away the saliva,"that's lovely Ryū."

You lifted him onto your chest as you lay backwards, reaching at your phone that buzzed softly against the covers. You unlocked the screen, squinting at the message that lay before you:

'Remember these days huh?😂 Xx' - Yui💃

You gazed at the images she'd sent you, frowning in memory. Most of them were of you or the team. You were so fit back able and determined. You glanced down at your puke stained pyjamas, the weight you'd gained on your thighs and shuddered in distaste. The girl in the images, the ace of Karasuno - seemed like a completely different person, so bright a full of life...but these pictures had only been taken around just over a year ago - you were still young.

You cast your mind back to how lonely it was, to sit in silence, to wait to tend to your son. You loved him more than anything, more than anyone - but maybe you needed to go back to class, to work - maybe even join the volleyball team...if you weren't happy with yourself then how could you be the best you could be - and if you weren't the best you could be then how could you be the best mother to Ryūrō.

You reached for your laptop, ignoring the spreading patch where Ryū was drooling against you. Maybe there were teams nearby? You didn't need to take it too seriously - maybe there's one at the college? You used your free hand to tap away at the keys.


The occasion was in a month. He had his head set on doing it - he remembered all those times in his back yard, how he'd lull over the idea of having a huge celebration with everyone. Iwa had suspected it derived from all them movies he was continuously watching and his mothers fondness for all things extravagant.

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