Chapter forty: Official ( pt 1.)

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1 month and and three weeks later:

You were stood next to Akaashi, both glancing down at the pitch with intent. The place was crowded - it was a qualifying game and it was fair to say that the crowd was larger than what you were used to. Teems and teems of people, all so different and unique gathered, arms rubbing against arms - they chanted enthusiastically for their teams though the voices seemed to gather in the air - muffling into one gigantic hum.

You'd been so excited, the moment both Bokuto and Kuroo had informed you that they were having their first official game. Sure you loved playing volleyball, the tactics and the feeling it gave you - but you'd always loved the energy of a real game, the passion of not only the players but the crowd. How every action had everyone clutching by a thread, the emotion and dedication that was shown by everyone on and off the pitch. You were buzzing with excitement, barely able to contain yourself.

Kuroo had been training hard, though he'd devised a specific time table so he could balance things out - you'd still needed to concentrate on preparing for the baby...but watching him train with Bokuto and Akaashi, watching him get stronger and even seeing him sat on your apartment floor attempting to stick the pieces of a cot together had made you go crazy...yet you were still dating Oikawa, you were still so confused. Sure Kuroo had always been attractive - you couldn't blame yourself for melting every time you saw him, but that didn't mean weren't together.

"Look!," Akaashi pointed, his arm brushing against yours,"there they are!"

Your eyes shot in the direction he was pointing,  your gaze adjusting for a moment before you saw them. Kuroo in all his glory, tall and mighty against the others, his dark hair evident against his new kit, Bokuto stood next to him grinning manically - puffing out his chest and shoulders as he did so. You smiled at the two of them your heart pounding fast but steadied your attention on him, his silver locks shining against the harsh ceiling light, his brown eyes passing over the crowd though they didn't stop on you - the familiarity of him set a shot through your heart.


"GO KICK THEIR A**ES BABE!," Akaashi had cupped his hands around his mouth, a toothy grin cracking at his lips. Bokuto smiled back at him before winking.

You let your gaze slid across the crowd before it stopped abruptly - you noticed a woman with wavy grey hair, her brown eyes sparked with joy, a taller man close to her, his greying auburn locks evident against the crowd, next to them stood a girl with raven black waves, her blue eyes gazing down at the court, a small smile painting her cherry kissed lips. You gulped - Sato, Rin and...Kiyoko?

Your attention was snatched from them by the brutal snap of a whistle, forcing your eyes onto the pitch, automatically chanting along with Akaashi as the game commenced. You were both strapped to the scene, your hands holding the barrier, watching as spikes, receives and blocks were made. Your team was powerful, the smugness written all over Coach Kaos face - but the other team were quick the catch up, adapting to your teams techniques and habits - you really needed to switch things up.

The crowd roared as Kuroo opted for a sneak attack, sending the ball home on the other side. You screeched, throwing your arms up - you caught him exchanging a glance at you that god forsaken smirk on his face causing your cheeks to burn.

A few moments later, you and Akaashi were both gripping onto each other- it was set point, if you scored once more then that would be the first set in the bag. You were both still, watching Bokuto as he eyed up the ball, you could feel Akaashi tremble against you... the tension in the air getting heavier and heavier, the whole crowd perched silently - he jumped, his hair ruffling slightly on impact, his hand reached above the net before-

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