Chapter nine: Watercolour.

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You woke up to light hitting your eyes, light speckling I'm from the blind in the left side of the room. You squinted rubbing your eyes before smirking as you remembered the events of the previous night.

It had involved a lot of kissing and touching. Though you hadn't done anything scandalous. You'd left, almost thankful for the rain that had drenched you, for the notion that Kuroo had gone and lost his umbrella. You laughed with each other, laughs being interrupted by kisses, or the occasional piggyback that caught you off guard and made you cackle. When you'd gotten to his apartment, he'd told you he thought you were beautiful - though you'd sat on his kitchen counter, mascara dripping from the rain, hair in a tangle , stinking of sweat.
You hadn't known how to reply, so you'd lifted his hand from your thigh, kissing it gently before smothering him with millions of them all across his face, until it had become heated again.

He'd let you shower and lended you a shirt even, though he'd struggled to advert his eyes as you'd changed. You slept in his bed that night, though not with him. He'd excused himself to the living room and had collapsed on the leather sofa.

Because he wouldn't do that to you, because he couldn't.

You stretched, grabbing your phone and gazing at the time. Shit.

You threw off the sheets, sliding into your heeled boots from the night before, slipping on your jacket and draping your dress over your arm. You were going to be late for work- and you couldn't afford to.

You opened the door lightly, slipping out. You attempted to be as quiet as possible, though you paused, glancing down at him.

He looked so oblivious when he slept, so vulnerable. His lashes lay a shadow against his high cheekbones, his slight freckles suddenly prominent on his nose, his lips parted letting shallow breaths escape it.

You felt your knees go weak, he had some invisible grip on you that you weren't able to shake. Though you didn't mind it anymore. You found the tips of your fingers, pushing his hair away from his face as you leant over the back of the sofa. It was soft under you touch and you smiled weakly with the fondness you felt for him. Being brought swiftly back to reality you gave him a quick peck on the lips, before hurrying out of the door.


Suga flinched when he heard the door click open. Morning had flushed in a haze through the curtains, as he lifted himself up from the couch. He must have fallen asleep, as his phone still maintained in his palm.

"Hey, I'm sorry I-."

He shot up, glaring at you, "where were you last night?"

"I was... out with Kuroo?," you furrowed your brows, pouting at him," you know that."

"(F/n) this isn't funny! I tried calling you all night! Where did you go," he acted without thinking, letting the fear that had manifested in his chest control him.

"Huh?," you pulled out your phone, which you'd silenced, raising a hand to your mouth before glancing at him,"Suga I'm so sorry, I figured I'd put it on silent - I guess I'd forgot to check it when we got back."

"Where?," he took a step towards you," where did you go?"

You stared at him , his stance as firm, his eyes as cold as metal," Well, I'd been drinking and he didn't want me to walk so we went back to his-."

"You had sex," he blurted,"didn't you."

"No, no," you protested," he was just worried-."

"Well So was I," he spat," and I'm pretty sure I'm more important than that- that manslag!"

Your eyes grew wide, your jaw tensing," what did you just call him?"

"It's true," he took another step towards you," you're not his first and your certainly not gonna be his last."

"Suga what do you mean?!," you raised your voice at the end, baffled by his behaviour. Why was he acting like this? You cursed silently... you were fighting ... again.

"You're a toy (f/n)! Why can't you see that?!," he reached out for you but you flinched away.

"You're insane!," You gritted your teeth," are you even listening to yourself right now!?"


You turned, suddenly off guard. Daichi stood there in a plain grey shirt and sweats," calm the f*ck down."

Your eyes met with Sugas, "But he-."

"(L/n," his voice was commanding, as he held his hand up to you.

"You're right, nows not the time," you have one last glance at Suga before dashing to your room, forgetting to ask what the hell Daichi was doing here.


"So," the crow captain asked quietly,"how long have you been in love with (l/n)?"

Suga turned, his eyes widening..



It was the summer of your second year at Karasuno. Though school had finished for break.

You'd just woken up, but you lay there breathing hard, almost afraid to turn around. Last night was done out of curiosity and foolishness, making countless embarrassing mistakes. Though in the end you'd both acted like pros, claiming that the experience was the best you'd ever had. Even though it was your first time.

You let your shaky breath escape your lips. You'd told your mom you were staying with a friend, and not to worry about you. She'd stuck to her word strictly which meant you'd had no interruptions.

But now you lay there feeling vulnerable, embarrassed and afraid. You'd let this boy see you, really see you - every place your skin covered. What if he didn't like it? What if he was disgusted? What if-

Suddenly you felt sick, remembering a certain silver haired male, which soft brown orbs and a sweet tentative smile. What had you done? He wouldn't forgive either of you for this. You tried to push the thought aside, guiltily turning to face the companion you'd let snatch your innocence away from you.

Strong features and waves of dark hair.

But he wasn't... Suga.

⭐️This was a bit of a filler chapter as I felt a lil impatient to write it- I hope the plot doesn't seem rushed tho! I assure you there's much more coming!

- Also who'd you think that guy is huh? ;)⭐️

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