Chapter six: Steel armour.

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He held his breath in his chest. Letting it out in a sharp exhale. Nerves prickled his skin, forcing his hands to shake ever so slightly. The college gymnasium was big - bigger than the one he'd been in for years. His heart ached a little, he'd half expected Daichi to slap a reassuring hand on his back like he had for years, for Asahi to make an over dramatic remark. He almost felt naked without them beside him, vulnerable and out of place.

"Promise me," he'd said, a flask in his hand on the roof of his home, his face had been serious yet desperate , his gaze intense, "that you'll keep playing, no matter what." That had been all Daichi had asked of the two of them, his final request as their captain.

Suga shook himself out, "right," he muttered taking a bold step forward. Swallowing his pride. He couldn't have stayed at Karasuno forever, but for a while it had felt like he could.

The door that lay under his fingers was polished wood, not like the dented steel slides he'd grown fond of. When he opened the door, the smell of wax and plastic hit him. The atmosphere in the gymnasium was powerful, so demanding, forcing him to focus. And suddenly he felt very small.

"Sugawara, right?"

He turned, a little stunned, facing the ageing man that approached him. Shoulders square, bold face and greying beard. Coach Kao.

"Yes sir," he nodded, sliding his bag down onto the floor and joining his superior.

"Today's pretty simple," Kao placed a hand on his shoulder ," we're assessing all your skills so we can determine which position you should play. Now I know in high school you were a setter, correct?"

Suga nodded,"yes."

"Show me," Coach Kao grinned, swaying a hand toward a figure next to the net. Dark hair and a menacing grin. Kuroo.

"I didn't know you were joining up Suga," he leant back on the balls of his heels,"odd that we're going to be teammates now huh?"

"Oh that's right, your schools were rivals, right?," the coach smirked, clearly amused by the idea.

"That's right," Kuroo approached the other men," The trash-can show down."

Suga was trying not to be agitated, Kuroo hadn't done anything wrong. Not really, no, he'd just done something Suga didn't like.

"Who am I setting for?," he stated attempting to change the subject.

"For Kuroo," Coach Kao was looking directly into his eyes, with a smirk painted on his lips. As though he knew - that he knew that it bothered Suga. Almost a dig, a claim of dominance.

"Okay, whatever," Suga positioned himself, imagining all the times he'd set for Asahi, for Tanaka, For Hinata and Tsukki. When the ball was passed to him he knew what to do, almost by some strange instinct, he positioned the ball in a second and shot it out. Kuroo hit it, it slammed into the ground on the other side of the net.

Lame claps came from the coach, along with a taller figure with messy brown hair, "Very satisfying Sugawara," Coach Kao scooted the brown haired guy .

He retrieved the ball from the ground, moving past Kuroo. Standing in front of Suga with intent.

"Now let's see how you spike."

He felt the air in his chest halt. Spike? He couldn't, he wasn't a spiker he was a setter.

"You're fading Koushi."

It felt wrong.

"I can't sir, I'm no-."

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