Chapter thirteen: Blinded.

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One week later:

You walked through the door, your fingers brushing against the glossy door frame. The same old grey carpet scuffed at your feet, you remembered waltzing over them at 3 am in tow with him, your fingers intertwined.

You glanced around the room, a blanket had been thrown aimlessly onto the sofa, the bright red fabric sticking out like a bullet in the subtle coloured room. Tentatively you stroked it as you passed, your fingers brushing against the soft cotton.

You cocked your head for a moment, the apartment seemed...still- which made you panic slightly. Music was always playing somewhere, especially here. You'd expected to find him running around in his pyjamas- like he usually did. What you'd known him to do.

The curiosity that swelled in the back of your mind, led you wandering, ignoring the haziness of the room. You found yourself strolling along the corridor, gazing up at the images he'd sustained carefully on the wall. You gazed with lazy eyes, scraping the edge of your finger along the pale blue painted wall.

The top of your finger hit a sharp edge, causing you to halt at the frame of a familiar door. You marvelled at the chipped paint dappled on its edge. The door was closed, it's silver handle shining a distorted image back at you to which you found yourself blocking out with the grasp of your hand.

The door opened with a gush of hot air, blowing your hair lightly out of your face, brushing against your skin faintly. When your eyes adjusted to the state of the room you froze, your chest stilling in the recognition of the moment.

Blankets covered them, bodies entertained, sweat against skin, breath on breath. Blonde entangled with black, voices muffled in the heat.

You froze when his eyes met yours, dazed in this state more red than the shining honey ones you'd been met with a million times before. You felt yourself almost slip backwards, his face never moving from your direction as a menacing grin played at his lips.

Your hands shaking you tried to turn-

You shot up gasping, letting the room set from spinning, cool air rushing through your throat expanding your lungs heavily. You reached up, rubbing your wrist against your forehead gently, wet beads hitting the clammy skin of your hands.

When you glanced down you sighed in relief at the notes strewn next to your feet atop the blanket that hugged at the rest of your body obliviously. With a huff you threw it aside, letting your feet slip onto the floor before your knees became just slightly weak from the dream that had haunted you.

You felt sickened, struggling to keep your chest calm, clutching onto the bedside counter. You shook your head muttering.

"What the f**k was that?"

To you jumped slightly as your phone vibrates against the wooden counter, you grabbed at it, clicking on the demand it gave you and out shot his voice, the one from your dream, sweet and calm mixed with uncertainty- which left you second guessing

"Hey babe, You seem like something's bothering you lately? Can we talk about it? I'm worried, bye."

You let the second one play, waiting in anticipation for the words that beamed from your speaker.

"ALSO COME OUT TONIGHT YEAH? Kenma missessssss uuuuuu-," it muffled as a hiss came from the background, to which Kuroo laughed an 'ouch, "I'll pick you up at eight! Bye!"

You threw your phone aside huffing into your hands. You didn't know what had taken over you lately, but you couldn't focus - you were always worrying - where he was, what he was doing.

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