Chapter twenty three: Victim.

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You were trying to regain your composure, your emotions lurking through your head intensely. There wasn't anywhere to go. When you'd gotten back to your car, you had no idea what to do next... but you wouldn't stay. Your breath was thick with stress, your lungs dragging air in and out with strain. And with some random realisation you were outside a familiar building, it's glowing sign shooting you with a burst of comfort and anger.

You threw yourself out of the car, rushing through the door, looking around frantically before singling out the dark haired worker, sporting a dorky apron. You watched as he spun, noticing you shortly after your entrance. He excused himself from the table he'd served and stalked over to you, his face filling with concern as he neared you.

You went stiff, what would you say? What could you possibly tell him?

"(L/n)?," he halted, placing a hand on your arm, his dark blue eyes landing on you with gentle sincerity.

You silently cursed at how you came undone, gasping as tears wrung from your eyes to which Akaashi went still, immediately turning to some of the other employees muttering something you couldn't make out over the sobs that you tried to suppress.

He gripped your arm tighter and lead you towards a door around the back of the desk then down a hall and then through another door.

The room you found yourself was simple, containing hangers covered in costs and a bench underneath them that where covered in folded clothes. Akaashi lead you to a plain table at the centre of the room, pulling out a chair for you to sit on before settling beside you.

"Now," he paused frowning at you,"what's wrong?"

You stared at him for a moment before breaking down completely, your whole body shakes as you cried, your fingers resting in your hair as you bowed your head. You would have been embarrassed, you weren't exactly the prettiest cryer, but frustration had stole from you that luxury.

"Hey,Hey!," You limply went along with it as the volleyball player took both your arms in his hands, forcing you to look up, to face him. You frowned, pouting at him, some of your hair sticking to your cheeks,"calm down okay?"

He ran one of his thumbs under your eyes, lightly squirming as he later rubbed his thumb in his shirt,"you don't need to tell me if you don't feel comfortable."

You clenched your eyes shut, before looking back at your friend, your whole body feeling exhausted,"I'm confused."

"That's why... you ran into the diner, with crazy eyes, interrupted my shift and started crying like a baby? Because you're confused??," he arched his brows, spitting an aggravated look.

You stared at him before snuggling,"okay so Suga kissed me and I caught Kuroo sleeping with his ex girlfriend-."

"Oh f**k, sh*t sORRY!," he jumped at your answer before settling and muttering, "Oh....oh sh*t."

You sighed, pulling your arms away from him , hugging yourself,"I stayed awake all night, it shouldn't have happened , I didn't- I mean, I didn't know it was going to happen. He never said anything before and I just I-I felt so guilty," you paused and glanced back at Akaashi who was biting his bottom lip,"so I went there , this morning, I needed to see him-."

"And then you caught them?-."

"No," you shook your head," he was there and he suspected something was wrong but I couldn't bring myself to tell him, but then this this girl- she strolls around the corner in his shirt and she-she has the audacity to-."

"(L/n)? Why has your coat got sick on it?"

You looked down, going red at the icky stain that ran down your chest,"Uh I-I threw up back at Kuroos."

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