Chapter thirty one: What about us?

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2 months later:

'You were sat on the sofa, engulfed in the pillows that settled you in your seat. The window was open, letting in a slight current, brushing against your hair. You felt vulnerable sat there alone, not quite knowing what you were supposed to do - you were trying to figure it out as you went along but that didn't ease the embarrassment that choked at you when you went out , the notion of everyone's eyes on you.

You weren't showing much yet, but it was still a factor that left you gripping for the oversized sweaters, hoping to avoid the hushed comments about how young and reckless you must be.

Class felt lonely, everyone's rants about wild nights out had already began to sting when all you got was way too many calls from your parents, a babysitter and a heap of medication the doctor had insisted you take.

Each night spent in, sometimes you'd go to sleep early, having nothing better to do with your time, other times you were too busy throwing up to even consider comfort.

You hadn't heard from them, Suga hadn't replied to any of your texts or calls - your family claiming to not have seen him at all. And no matter how much you tried, how you begged, you weren't allowed to see Kuroo - under strict orders from Bokuto, who now also refused to see you.

It was easy to feel sorry for yourself, all alone, knocked up, working to provide for yourself with nothing to go home to and little to nothing to look forward to. It was hard, each day the same. The first few nights you'd spend crying to yourself, until crying had become old news.

You stood, turning your attention to the window. It had started to rain - hard and heavy against the city, the murmur of people rushing on pavements and tires against the wet concrete muffled through the humble patter of raindrops against buildings. You sighed remembering how the rain fell back home, pouring over the deep viridescent trees, dampening the grass and rolling off the tips of the few houses that scattered themselves across the lush town - though there would be no car horns chirping or people nattering. You missed it, the simplicity of it, the way it always felt like it renewed your surroundings and brought with it a fresh slate.

You hugged the blanket further around your shoulders, letting the open window bring with it the pure scent of the heavens - gifting you with the freshest intake of air you'd had in a while.


You turned, glancing towards the door your body easing. 'Akaashi' you thought, letting your bare feet hit against the carpeted floors.


You jumped, clutching the material that fell lightly from your shoulders, your breath catching in your chest, your eyes widening at who stood in front of you.

He was breathing heavily, his stark black hair clinging to his forehead from the rain, the gold flecks in his eyes shimmering at you. You basked in the way his freckles whispered against the ridge of his nose, the way his lips quivered gently. He wore his black hoodie, that was soaked, clinging to him in most places.

You brought your hand up to your mouth, your arms beginning to tremble. He was here, you needed him and he was here...

"(F/n)," he huffed, rushing up to your smaller frame, he took you in his arms, pulling you into his chest, his strong arms holding you upright as you gripped at him tightly, your breath shaky.

You were trying not to cry, your knuckles beginning to ache at how roughly and desperately you latched onto him. Letting yourself be engulfed by his scent, mint leaves and soap. He rested a hand in your hair, making you sniffle a smile.

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