Chapter fifty two: The two of us.

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You stared in the mirror, you'd been fiddling with your hair and clothes for about half and hour but nothing ever seemed to sit right. You didn't understand why you were so worked wasn't like Suga hadn't seen you at your worst - a face full of break outs and a pair of stained pyjamas...but it felt different now.

You wanted to look perfect, there was something nagging inside of you to prove yourself in some way. You remembered a time where you'd style your hair everyday wondering if he'd think it was cute, whether he'd pay attention to the new perfume you'd purposely used or if he'd approve of the outfit you'd hassled to put the end it had seemed so stupid. Realising that Koushi had no romantic intentions towards you had been a serious blow at your confidence, but looking back you supposed it was some sort of relief - you didn't have to think about how you presented yourself...because you were comfortable just simply being in his company - no matter the why did that all of a sudden change so quickly?

You let out a sigh, lacing your fingers once again through your silky hair. 'I'm just nervous, it's just butterflies,' you told yourself over and over but there was something off. You hadn't had the best encounter with Kuroo previously...handing a babbling toddler over to him had been oddly painful - Ryū had squirmed and reached for him like he always did and Tetsu had smirked and cooed like he always did, but the usual chatter full of spark you'd share along with the occasional half assed flirtatious comment were gone. The space between the two of you was evidently growing...and why did it feel so wrong?

You'd split in the light of a giant mess, both of you had escaped from a disaster of confusion and yet why did you still feel so tormented? He didn't like you, didn't love you anymore -

"'(F/n) I'm so so sorry, last night should have never happened, it was a big mistake'"

A big mistake - that's what it was...a drunken why did you lavish in the unveiling memory of his lips against your skin, the feeling of your limbs intertwined...the way he'd called out your name...

But now he couldn't even look you in the eye - a selfishly unconscious moment had costed you the subtle contact that you didn't know you craved...because perhaps one night in his arms wasn't better than a million 'maybe's.

'"You're perfect."'

You flinched slightly as an image flashed in your mind...the one you'd been hooked on for years. This was your shot, your chance to get what you wanted- you could quit but then what was it all for? You'd followed him here, without him nothing over the past year would have happened...and it's all because you couldn't stand the idea of being apart from him.

Finally he was yours for the taking. You shook, slapping your cheeks as you stared in the mirror.

"WOMAN UP!," you commanded, forcing the doubts that gathered to settle at the back of your brain.


You jumped a little, biting your lip as you took one last take on your outfit - straightening out the red coat you'd purposely picked out. With a pout of defeat you rushed to the door, slipping it open swiftly.

"For you."

You stumbled backwards as a bundle of flowers was thrusted into your face, an aroma of blissful scents forcing a cough to tumble from your throat,"t-thank you."

You spun placing them gently onto the cabinet before turning to gaze back at them. You opened your lips as though to speak but immediately snapped them closed, your eyebrows perking up at the sight before you.

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