Chapter twenty two: Bitter Sweet.

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You brushed your fingers along your lips, they tingled at the sensation. And for a moment you were pulled away, remembering the sensation of his lips against yours, the inhumane gaze he'd held you in, the warmth of his skin under your touch. You snapped out of it quickly, trying to ease the panic that swarmed you. You didn't know what your intentions were, but you'd found yourself driving away- in a brief moment of urgent energy and soon enough you took each lane, each turn right back to him.

The day was yet to wake, the sky a faded tint against the harshness of the city. The cold that swirled up from the tough ground hit you with an immensity that triggered your heart to miss a beat. Your mind has been toying with itself all night, holding the image of two perfect people in your head - both fighting against each other for dominance, winning over each other for brief moments before collapsing back into the rhythm. Guilt had struck you, harsh in the heart.

The quiet street was enlightened by the softness of your trainers tapping against its concrete, the unnerved shuffle of your coat as you latched your dainty fingers onto the door, pulling it open with some struggle.

The place was as it always was, but fear struck you. You didn't feel like you belonged there. No. You didn't feel like you deserved to be there.

You battled against the cluster of thoughts that rung in your head like alarm bells that mixed with the beating of your shoes against the stairs. You gripped the edge of the banister , pulling yourself up. You rushed down the halls, halting with a lurch.

You gazed at the number that sat there in brass , daring you to enter. And with selfish desperation you gripped the key that burned in your pocket, shoving it in the lock and pushed your way through.

"K-Kuroo!," you yelled, panting.

You glanced around for a moment, choking on your breath. What if he wasn't here? Where was he?


"(F/n)?," he appeared from the corner. Your chest sunk at the sight of him, his sparkling dark eyes held steady on you, his lips parted lightly and softly in the faint light that echoed through the blinds. The way his hair fell in the slightest of waves against his face.

You ignored however, the concern written along his expression. Eyebrows curved, the sparkle in his eyes forced from the protective urge that sparked at his chest.

You took a sharp uneven intake of breath, running towards him, cupping his face with your hands, tugging him down as you raised yourself as high as you could, kissing him sharply.

For a moment or two he leaned into it, kissing back, each movement he made  familiar and graceful ,bringing his arms up and around you. But then he went still, going stiff like a statue in your grasp, after you leaned in to kiss him again he moved you away slightly.

You froze, the guilt playing at you once more. Did he know?

His eyes searched your face, a whisper of uneasiness entwined within the pristine flecks of his gaze. He rested his hand against your cheek.

"What's-," he squinted at your tired eyes,"what's wrong?"

You gulped, your lips beginning to tremble.


He stared at his door, falling into the routine his chest made, rising and falling in the tune of torment that jabbed at him.

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