Chapter four: Hidden.

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It was a relief to get home, to snuggle into the warmth of the couch. Since you'd been soooooo productive today you decided it was only natural that you awarded yourself with pizza. Though the lady did look at you rather oddly when she asked you if you were expecting guests, and you said no. The TV blazed with colours , flashing against your night shirt and reflecting off of your previously washed hair.

Your apartment was fairly basic - as it had been bought on a whim. Just two months before college started. Suga was desperate to get a place as going home every night really wasn't much of an option. He'd texted you to inform you he'd been searching and that he'd found one.You'd moved in a month later and even though you hadn't been here long, it was comfortable.

Suga had placed plants everywhere, he'd hung up pictures and had even bought a gold fish. He seemed almost too eager to make this place seem like home. He would've felt responsible if you hadn't felt comfortable here and so he'd spent almost a fortnight decorating. Most of the things you had were second hand, even the couch that sunk when you sat on it. And even though Suga had claimed to had decorated for so long, never once had you seen him. Almost as though he was... avoiding you.

You heard a click at the door, heard it swing open. You glanced quickly over at Suga who seemed tired, his face almost ghostly in the dark lighting. He threw his bag down and joined you on the couch.

"How was work?," you asked turning down the volume and staring at him, awaiting his reply.

He looked at you lazily, his long lashes framing his hazel orbs,"hard."

You laughed, handing him a slice of pizza,"here my child, rejoice, regain strength."

He grinned, taking a bite and glancing at the TV, his one arm strung around the top of the couch, legs apart, hair falling in his eyes,"so (f/n), what've you been up to today?"

You thought about mentioning Kuroo but something stopped you. Instead you hugged your knees to your chest and shrugged,"I got lost today, got myself a pizza."

"Is that why you have someone's phone number written on your hand?," he wasn't even looking at you, but he knew, he always knew something was up. He'd had to, when you were younger you'd get yourself into almost everything and he'd pull you out again. He made it his business to know, though lately he felt like he couldn't reach you.

"Uh, I bumped into Kuroo that's all," you looked at him through the side of your eye, he flinched at the name.

"What's he doing here?," he says placing back the pizza to your dismay.

"I guess he attends the same college that's all."


You took his hint, he wanted to know more. He wasn't satisfied with how little you had told him,"I was struggling to find my classes for tomorrow, he helped me out. Then we went to this weird a** cafe and there was like this weird chicken mascot and it was all pink themed - OH and Akaashi worked there and-."

He was staring at you blankly, obviously trying to keep in tow with the words that had tumbled from your lips,"that's nice."

You raised a brow at him,"nice?"

"What?," he shifted in his seat,"so are you going to call him?"

"I don't know," you smiled, to which he looked at you, his jaw set, "and who says 'nice', you're not my mom."

"Whatever, I'm having a shower," he got up quickly, swiftly waltzing around the sofa.

"Wait," you turned watching him as he headed towards the hall, his hand stroking the back of his neck," are we ok? I was joking."

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