Chapter forty four: Rivals reunited.

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He'd driven all the way from home, his eyes tired having stared at the road for so long. Initially he hadn't been nervous, gliding along with the radio buffering on occasion - it was only when he'd gotten into the city, the familiar streets and buildings that reminded him without hesitation of how each moment brought him closer to you. His breath had shortened by the time he'd pulled up at the apartment building you'd both ran into night after night... he'd slipped out of his car, his legs beginning to shake as he mounted the steps to the place you'd both called 'home.'

He clutched the flowers tightly in his hand, pushing the hair out of his face, smoothing down the creases in his shirt. He brought his fist up to the door, knocking gently...he could hear quickened footsteps, the shuffling of fabrics and the clicking of a lock...

The door swung open, his eyes glued to the figure that stood there. It was you...your (h/c) locks pulled with little effort away from your face, your (e/c) orbs still on him. It was you for sure - seemed tired, the rings under your eyes whispering of lost sleep. You wore a loose fitting sweater that hung around your knees, your legs coated in stretchy dark perfect.

"H-hi-," he was cut off, you'd leaped forward, wrapping your dainty arms around him, squeezing tightly. He stilled for a single moment, before melting into you, his arms wrapping around your shoulders, his lips resting atop your head. He gulped back the content that seemed to overwhelm lucky he was to have you so near.

You pulled away slowly fixating on the bundle of blue flowers he'd bought. Sucking in a breath lightly.

"Th-they're for you," he moved them towards you, his arm shaking slightly.

You looked up at him a small smile painting itself upon your lips,"thank you."

He felt himself grin in turn as you took the flowers in your own hands, turning to head back into the apartment, with slight hesitation - he followed. He marvelled in the familiarity of the place, everything exactly as he'd left it...almost. He caught sight of steriliser on the kitchen countertop, the bottles placed within it, a towel thrown over the stool, gift bags placed upon the table, a child cot in the living room...

He breathed,"uh (f/n)...," his eyes passed across the room before they landed on you, you seemed to have frozen in place, your eyes wide, your teeth digging into your bottom lip.

"Sh*t," you muttered,"I really didn't think this through."

"Wha-," Suga started, his head snapping at the sound that aired.


His eyes followed you as you skipped, towards the child cot, reaching down your arms and bringing up with them a It had sparkling hazel eyes, swirls of black hair. It's gaze flickered on Suga, it's tiny eyebrows arching.

"Who-who's is-."

"Suga," you breathed,"um..."

You both stared at each other for a moment, your eyes wide on each other, the baby was still arching his brows at him...seemingly - annoyed?

"This is my son? R-Ryūrō..."

He raised both his eyebrows, stumbling lightly, gripping onto the table for support. He was dreaming right...,"s-so when you said nine months you-."

You bit down on your lip, opening your mouth as in means to say something before stopping, instead nodding your head quickly.

He breathed, attempting to compose himself, his chest rising and falling heavily...

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