Chapter ten: Close.

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It had been a day, a day of trying to step around him... again. You felt it breaking you every time, remembering when you couldn't be apart, when all you'd wanted was to be with him - after that you'd had to settle for being close but not close enough. But now it felt like you were looking at him through broken glass, he looked the same but there were pieces missing and it would hurt too much to touch.

He'd disappeared off around ten, leaving you alone, sat on the sofa with your head in your hands. And you tried not to get frustrated again, to cry. He was pushing you away, more and more and now you couldn't even recognise the expression laced in his eyes.

The door was closed again.

When you'd awoken the next morning, he was still no where to be seen. He hadn't replied to any of the texts you'd sent him the night before and so when you rushed to desperately text him once more, you'd locked your phone instead, biting your face in your pillow.

He confused you so much, he always had. How someone could seem so simple, and yet be so complicated. It made you want to scream.

You'd dragged yourself through the morning, spilling coffee on the table, all over your skirt. Exasperated you'd changed into yoga pants - no you didn't exactly do yoga.

The walk to college was a glum one, you found yourself looking for Suga in the crowds of people you passed. You wanted to make things right again, because you couldn't explain it but whenever you and Suga came to a clash, it felt like part of you was being ripped out. A part that had always been there.

Classes dragged on, forcing you at points to doze lightly. You were thankful when the last lesson came m, flinging yourself out of your seat before rushing out into the hall, pushing against the masses that parted in alternate directions.

You huffed after being hit by several bags and arms, stepping out onto the steps with an agitated sigh.

"Rough day?"

You glanced down to the bottom of the steps, your heart quickening. Kuroo leant against the beam at the bottom of them, his hair jet black against the lightness of his jacket that was zipped up, coordinated with ever so slightly black sweatpants.

You nodded, rushing down the steps towards him, he gripped your arm as you almost fell head first laughing sweetly at how moody you looked. And despite yourself you smiled.

He gazed at you, and you back at him. You hadn't discussed what had happened, you weren't sure how or what it would mean.

"(F/n)," he looked down scratching the back of his head," it was-."

"It was amazing," you found yourself searching his face to which he blushed hard.

"So uh-," he adverted his eyes," god why is this so hard."

You furrowed your brows, feeling dread leak through your chest,"w-what?"

Noticing your alarmed expression, he jumped and waved his arms out," NO NO ITS NOTHING BAD, IM JUST A BIG P**SY THATS ALL!"

"Kuroo?," you cocked your head to the side, watching as he glanced at the ground again.

"You see I- I-," he stuttered,"Well, Will-."

There was a ruffle and a flash as a boy with white highlights jumped in front of you and gripped your arms, shaking you back and forth roughly,"WILL YOU BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!?"

"B-Bokuto?," you stared at him before glancing at Kuroo who's face was red.

"Oh," the golden eyed boy smiled, letting you go,"sorry about tha-."

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