Chapter twenty nine: Promise.

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'You hadn't heard from him all day, he wasn't replying to your texts, no one had seen him either. And when lunchtime passed, you felt your nerves going wild with imagination, not being able to handle it anymore when he hadn't showed up to the volleyball meet up.

You'd wasted no time in running off. You'd been to his house plenty of times, that your body felt like it was running on autopilot as your feet dashed up the stone steps that led into his all too familiar home.

You knocked the door, not gaining a response, you bent down, lifting the side of the mat and retrieving the key that shimmered in the grey light of the sky.

When the door swung open, your eyes brushed upon the furnishings whilst kicking off your shoes impatiently, all soft colours, plants placed in almost every corner. A million frames on the walls. It was dark in response to the dimming sky, clouds gathering quickly.

You turned, locking the door behind you, stumbling towards the stairs, you trotted up them, smiling slightly at the customary feeling of the worn down wood sliding against the palm of your hand, the softness of the carpet under your feet.

You slowed your pace as you got into hall, your eyes looking desperately before finding it, his open door. You sighed with relief, gently edging towards the opening, poking your head around the side of it.

There he sat, his silver locks shining even in the dim light of the afternoon. Turned away from you, gazing out the window, a black shirt hanging from his frame.

You'd always loved Sugas room, so full of things. Posters lined the walls, old toys now used as ornaments sat upon the shelves, anything he'd found on their adventures would always be found present here. There were pieces of you too, shoes you'd hidden here, notes and scribbles you'd left for him, things you'd found too which you'd instantly brought to him. As much as it was his home, you felt like it was yours too.

You neared him, he was sat on the window stool. You could see his reflection in the window, how his eyes settled on the green trees that ruffled in the harsh wind, before searching the sky with blatant curiosity. A smile tugging at the corner of your lips, taking a sudden spark to the beauty mark that sat sweetly just under his left eye.

You shuddered a little, catching his orbs landing on your reflection, a weak smile spreading across his lips before dropping again.

You shifted, moving to sit next to him, your arm brushing against his as you faced him with concern,"Suga is everything okay?"

He gave you a sideways glance,"I really can't hide anything from you can I?"

"No," you shook your head, hunching over, tugging at the strings of your hoodie, nuzzling your face into it.

"How could you tell?," he turned his attention back to the window,"What was it this time?"

"I felt it in my soul," you glanced down at your nails,"we have that deep like spiritual connection- you know? Like it's impossible for you to keep secrets from me."

"I had a lip piercing for six weeks and you didn't even notice," he shook his head, smirking lightly.

"That's different!," you snapped," I was recovering!"

"From what?," he huffed,"swim free ending?"

"Exactly," you nodded,"that's exactly what I needed to recover from - also I don't advise you doing that, like ever again."

"Mhm," he let out a warm smile, but it was missing something - it wasn't...refreshing?

"So," you moved, bumping against his side,"what's up?"

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