Chapter fifty one: Complications.

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You awoke slowly, the hazy morning light stinging at your eyes as rolled over lazily letting out a blissful sigh. For just a moment you basked in the comfort of the sheets around you, settled in the soft mattress that held up your exhausted frame. Your body ached slightly as you pulled yourself upright, hunching over as you inspected the plush room.

Your eyes ran upon the small wooden desk, the typical free-bees supplied by most hotels scattered neatly upon it. You let your attention fall on the mirror that sat eloquently in front of the bed, shivering slightly as though reacting to a lack of contact. You grazed over your groggy appearance, hair tangled as it sat upon your shoulders, a large white button up shirt hanging from your frame-'wait...WHAT!?'

You slipped desperately out of the foreign covers, glancing down at your attire only to be mortified...the shirt certainly wasn't yours but that wasn't what concerned you most - underneath you were stark naked. You felt your heart begin to race, your eyes darting around the room...your dress from the night before was draped with care over the back of a grey cushioned chair, your menacing heels placed nearby.

You ran a shaky hand through your hair, your gaze settling suddenly on the bedside cabinet which held your clutch, much to your relief - you scurried over reaching out for your belonging when you halted...there placed under the black fabric was a note, presumably ripped from the small ordering pad from the desk. Your fingertips snatched it up hesitantly, unfolding the paper carefully...

'(F/n) I'm so so sorry, last night should have never happened, it was a big mistake

You retorted slightly, your breath becoming shaky...your body became overwhelmed with the memory of being held. The image of his warm hazel eyes flashing through your couldn't have...but...did you?

You stayed there for a moment staring down at the ground, the feeling of the cotton material against your bare skin suddenly becoming more prominent. Your spine shuddered lightly, your cheeks beginning to burn, your chest becoming fulfilled with the feeling of foolish excitement - like a school girl after her first kiss...but the feeling was soon gone...

"' was a big mistake'"

It weren't some reckless teenager anymore - or at least you couldn't be. You had a son, a boyfriend, a degree and a job to focus couldn't just fool around...and yet - there was an uneasiness to you, a sadness captured within the tightness of your throat triggered by the notion that you...even for a short time, a hazy time - had been intimate with Tetsu. You cursed yourself, it had been something you'd craved - catching him within the corner of your eye all that time ago, bare and sopping from the shower...the way he never flaunted it only left you more intrigued. It was something you had wanted to experience again...and yet drunk you had beat you to it...and had left a pile of complications in her wake.


"Awh f*ck," you ran a clammy hand down your tired features.

It was Oikawas birthday party and yet you hadn't even seen him...or at least you couldn't recall if you had - for all you knew he could have stood in the corner the whole time and watched. How would you explain this to him? Could you even tell him? Would he be mad?- Of course he'd be mad...but he was so excited to get things on track - if he did find out he'd hate Kuroo...he already does - but what about Ryū?- Kuroo's his couldn't exactly avoid him - and if you couldn't avoid him then neither could Oikawa...

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