Chapter eighteen: Til' the last hour.

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The next day:

You adored the atmosphere, the ringing of chanting in your ears. You could feel the tension, each action, each decision held the attention and hopes of everyone's preference. The sweat that ran down the players faces, down their necks, gathering at their shirts. Regardless of their state they fought, over and over and over.

You grinned at Akaashi who yelled at Bokuto, a wide grin on his face. The golden eyed boy glances up at the stands, his face turning from determined to warm. He jumped, waving a hand before bowing. The game had been going on for a long time, but your college team managed to have the advantage - their morale was a force to be reckoned with.

You searched through the cluster of grey and blue uniformed players. Suga was nowhere to be seen. You felt disappointment land on your shoulders, you wanted to see him play - for a moment forgetting that he'd left. Why would he leave when he knew he had a game to play? Why didn't he tell you about the game in the first place? Was this about what his coach had said?

"Hey, look there's Kuroo," Akaashi leant into you pointing towards a taller figure, a smirk on his face as he panted, his hair and clothes drenched in sweat.

You pushed your initial thoughts aside, leaning a little over the barrier to call out at him. He twisted, shooting you a smile, creases painted on the corners of his eyes as he did so. You smiled back, sticking your tongue out with a wave of your middle finger. He chuckled in response shooting you finger guns before he was bombarded by Bokuto who seemed particularly energetic and desperate to have his hair fixed up.

"Hey Akaashi," you turned to him, hugging your arms that were covered in the sweet red material of your jacket,"why aren't you playing?"

"I joined a different team," Akaashi took a sip from the flask he'd brought,"I thought it would be funny."

"Huh?," you arched your eyebrows,"but like don't you think that would make things complicated between you?"

"He's a d**k if he makes it complicated just because I'm better than him," he shrugged with a smirk, noticing the look on your face before softening a little,"I've played on the same team as him for a while. I thought that if we didn't then at least we'd have our own thing. It's important to be alone sometimes, you're a person without the other. Making time for yourself is equally as important as spending time with them."

You smiled nodding. Akaashi was just really smart, everything he said was backed up by something you couldn't argue with which made it a terrible thought - being on his 'bad side.'

"Plus," he gazed at Bokuto who was warming up for the rest of the match,"I get to support him whenever I want."

You punched him lightly in the shoulder," you're actually kinda cute Akaashi."

"Huh?," he raised his brows at you before lightly blushing,"tell him I said any of that then I'll break Kuroos knee caps!"

You held your hands up with a nervous smile,"okay okay."

When the teams reciprocated for their time out, the attention of the crowd settled. The room was almost silenced until the first player made their advance, afterwards roaring in their masses. The ball rang in the air, passed between player to player, team to team for what seemed like a long time. You watched Bokuto lunge himself into the air, smacking the ball almost out of the court, it landed inches away from the liberos attempt to save it and earned a cheer that was only enhanced by the humming of Akaashi who had threw his arms up in a yell of relief.

For a moment you missed it, playing volleyball. Watching it was particularly important, you could analyse the players movements and pick up on tactics that could aid your team in upcoming matches. But since you weren't currently enrolled in a team it made you just the slightest bit bitter. Suga had been the one to introduce you to volleyball, making you set for him or block him - until eventually you found yourself obsessing over the sport. You quickly joined the girls club but was disappointed with their lack of enthusiasm which led you to join in on the boys practise games where Oikawa and Suga would analyse your actions to the point that it would get annoying, only ever shutting them up by earning a point for the team. When you'd arrived at Karasuno, you'd met Yui who was just as passionate, however your teammates were particularly difficult to motivate, you both managed to pull them through sometimes. It wasn't until the end of your third year that you'd had enough, you'd lost the first competition of that year due to lack of commitment shown by your teammates. But straight after you'd pulled Yui, Hideko and a few others to the club room explaining that you felt the initial line-up should contribute of the players willing to give it their all. The group that had attended the meeting, trained with you profusely, earning injuries at some points. When you'd won the competition later, the joy that had rinsed over the team was never- ending. Yet... you hadn't played since, you can't remember the last time you'd even held the ball. (But...I'm the ace.)

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