Chapter thirty five: Without you.

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He held the flowers firmly in his hands, the strong smell of them only adding to the nerves he felt tightening in his chest. He'd been a right d*ck, it had been his fault, his fault that he was as solemn as he felt right now - though there was hope quivering somewhere inside as he waited on the darkening street, waiting impatiently, his golden stare fixated on the door.

It was Akaashis late shift today, usually they'd go to the movies or for dinner right after, but lately Bokuto hadn't bothered showing up to meet him and Akaashi hadn't bothered coming home.

The light that beamed through the windows went off with a flicker suddenly, the pavement outside going grey against its surroundings. Kōtarō listened carefully as the bell sounded sweetly, the door falling swiftly against its latch as the setter stepped out. He wore a plain beige shirt, that hung loosely around his waist, his legs covered in dark blue jeans, he wore his old Fukurōdani jacket - reminding Bokuto bitterly of how he'd fallen head over heels for Keiji, making excuses to spend time with him over and over.




He watched the boys swift actions, he was undeniably handsome, the way his body moved, how his hair fell around his head like a halo and the way his eyes were always so dominating... he made Bokuto weak.

He struggled noticing a familiar car parked upon the curb as his boyfriend headed towards it...he hadn't planned this far, What would he do? If he didn't do something now then Akaashi would drive off without ever knowing how sorry he was ( also he'd probably need to catch the bus home - which wouldn't be fun.)


The setters eyes widened in recognition, he turned, watching as the spiker ran at him, his feet hitting heavily against the pavement, desperation carved within his features...what is he doing here?

"B-Bokuto?," his eyes landed on the bouquet of flowers in his strong hands, though they looked flustered, a rumpled mess from Kōtarōs urgent leaping.

"Listen," he panted,"I've been doing a lot of apologising lately so I'm practically an expert."

"O-okay," Akaashi flinched slightly as the bouquet was thrusted into his hands, the smell slightly too strong for his liking but the sentiment heart warming nonetheless.

"First," he opened his eyes, his golden spheres full of sincerity, sending a shudder down Keijis spine,"I would like to apologise for being the worlds most ridiculous a**."

Akaashi gulped, he'd never seen Kōtarō like this before, so determined and serious, so still and commanding - he was so used to being the one in charge...this was different, though he definitely wasn't complaining.

"I've been so sad," he furrowed his brows,"I can't function properly without you, I don't feel like eating, I haven't been able to sleep without you. And it's all my fault for getting so caught up in someone else's mess to the point that I discarded the emotions of the person that means the most to me-."


"It's true," he rushed,"and you know it is Kei, I'm disgusted by the way I've spoken to you - I hate myself for doing this to you, to us. So let me make it up to you, I promise I won't get sidetracked, I won't raise my voice ever again! I swear I'll be better, better for you."

Akaashi watched as his partner fiddled in his pocket, pulling out a loop that glinted in the streetlights that had just awoken. His hand shook as he gripped hold of Akaashis, lacing the plain silver band onto his left ring finger.

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