Chapter eleven: Scarred.

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You were worried, dabbing his shoulder, your breath hard in your chest. You'd thanked god that you're parents weren't home, or you'd have to explain exactly what Suga was doing on your floor, off his head with his shirt off and blood covering his hands, chest and back.

"You're not talking," he said, blinking just his one eye, his hair stuck with sweat to his forehead ,"why aren't you talking to meeeeeeeaa???!"

You huffed, wiping at the gash that lay across his shoulder, trying to steady your hands that shook annoyingly fast,"I can't talk- you- you're still bleeding."

He gazed at you lazily, his head falling back against the kitchen cupboard with a bang, you hoped it didn't hurt,"ahaaa you're wooooweed."

You shot him a look but he returned it with a charming grin, flashing his teeth at you,"Suga this isn't the time-."

He reached up his hand, slowly stroking at your hair, you halted staring wide eyed at him. His hands were slightly scarred, from all them years of playing volleyball, from draining himself to the point of painful exhaustion.Your heart momentarily stopped,"wha-what are you-."

"You've always had really pretty hair," he smirked, before rubbing his thumb against your cheek, his blood-shot eyes becoming tentative," and really pretty eyes..."

You gulped, your cheeks turning red being engulfed by heat,"Suga-."

His eyes seemed to sink into yours for a moment, the expression on his face serious far more different from the relaxed, calm expression he typically wore. When he spoke his tone was instructive and sincere making you weak,"You're perfect."

You sat there on your knees, still in front of him, the cloth soaked with blood still clutched in your hand. He laced his hand around the back of your head, his fingers surprisingly warm, leaning in slowly, the small of hazy fruits swarming your senses, as his breath mixed with yours in the space between.

Your eyes fluttered in response to the atmosphere of the moment , you tried to prepare yourself, shifting lightly against the cold tiled floor.

As he leant forward with the other arm he winced, his face clenching, eyes slamming shut,crying out in pain,"AHHHHH!"

"SUGA!," You screeched, the gash on his arm flexed,spilling out more blood. The boy sat there gritting his teeth, his hand fell away from yours in a swift action, his breath becoming short.

You bit your lip at the sight of tears gathering in his eyes, shooting up for the phone, you quickly dialled for the emergency room. Why did you think you could fix it alone?

Your heart still pounded due to the memory of him touching you, his words echoing in his head. However the next day....

It was as though nothing had happened at all.


After Kuroo had left before smothering you in kisses, you thought of Suga. How he'd been acting up around Kuroo, how frustrated it made you feel. Why did he act like that? Didn't he realise it hurt you?

He'd come back a little later from when he'd left, zooming past the two of you, slamming his door closed, and though Kuroo had seemed confused, you tried to act as though he hadn't come back.

You found yourself on the way there once again, anticipation rising in your chest. Your fingers laced around the handle before pushing it open.

His back was turned away, his lamp switched on casting a hazy yellow glow across the room.You stared, catching your breath at his bare skin. His shoulders curves perfectly, the ridges of his bones almost mimicking that of a birds closed wings. The wings of a crow.

Your eyes found themselves landing on the scar that still lay pale against the skin of his right shoulder. It snakes through the curves of hi, sharp against his soft skin, reminding you of a simpler time, cursing yourself for feeling the fondness in your throat. Remembering the moment that had almost changed everything for you.

Despite your presence he didn't turn to look at you, nor inquire as to what you were doing in his room.

"Suga," you found yourself calling, almost too abruptly.

He leant down, grabbing at a shirt that lay on the floor before tossing it on,"What is it (f/n)? Got bored?"

You scrunched up your face before letting it fall again, taking a step forward," what's your problem with Kuroo?"

Now he turned, his brown eyes shooting at your face," I haven't heard the best things about him - that's all."

"What things?," you crossed your arms, taking a step towards him.

"You know, the usual," he grinned though it wasn't a pleasant one," apparently he had quite the knack for picking up girls, you know- taking them out, buying them drinks, sticking his tongue down their throats and then," he wiggles his fingers,"he'd bed them."

You arched your brows,"first of all who even says 'bed them' anymore? And secondly who tf told you that?"

He shook his head,"a reliable source, unlike your sh*t mouthed boyfriend."

"Koushi stop!"

He flinched, the grin on his face disappearing.

"You can't prove anything, I don't get why you're even doing this-."

"BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU!," he stood, his arms beginning to tremble," and he's just going to cast you aside, like he always has- to every other girl, tell me what makes you different (f/n)?"

You stared at him, you couldn't - you didn't know what made you different. Suga had caught you completely off guard.

"You have no proof," you shook your head, stepping away from him.

"Fine," he spat," if you don't believe me then look on his Instagram."


"I believe it's @kuorx , maybe he'll appreciate the likes."

And with that you scurried out of there, this time slamming his door behind you.


Kuroo laced there, his head on his pillow. He was scrolling through his phone when the screen flashed up with a notification. Furrowing his brows he clicked on it, gazing at the words that lay before him.

How've you been doing tiger?
You free tonight? I'm bored, let's have some fun and don't worry- I won't tell ;) ~ Aiko.

He sighed rolling over, tapping his thumbs quickly on the screen, mustering up a reply before slamming down on 'send.'

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