Chapter thirty seven: Together.

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You sat there, your hands digging into your knees, your attention captured by alternative notions each second. You couldn't keep still, fiddling with your jacket, your hair or phone case - pulling it on and off your device.


He gave you a sideways glance, his firm blue eyes stern on you,"could you please stop doing that?"

Akaashi had told you that he'd drive you, even though you assured him that you had a car and were perfectly capable of driving it - he'd then told you that he was driving you and that you had no say in the matter. You supposed he had all his right to, he'd been with you to handle this whole 'knocked up at eighteen' circumstance. Introducing himself as your friend to doctors - as an attempt to correct them when they asked if he was the father and even then putting up with the snide glances people outside the surgery gave him when they made that exact assumption. Though despite how Sure and how confident he both still had no clue what you were doing.

"Oh," you stopped abruptly,"s-sorry."

He let out a sigh,"look I can understand why you're nervous but," he paused,"knowing Kuroo, he'll only want to help."

"I'm not worried about that," you gazed down at your knees that knocked together as you shook,"I'm just thinking about- well, this has equally as much to do with him as it does to me...right now he's probably just settled and I don't want to come in and throw him off...maybe I shouldn't have agreed to-."

He stopped the car abruptly, causing you to lurch forward, your back then slammed against the seat as you turned to gaze at him with wide eyes. His expression was rock solid, his lips in a firm line,"(l/n) you're right, this has just as much to do with him as it does to do with you - that's exactly why the two of you need to talk, it's not fair that you've bared all this weight on your shoulders alone. He needs to step up and take some of it on too, regardless of the petty issues you had before - you can't think about any of that right now because you've got something much more important to be worrying about."

You thought about how unstable you'd felt these past seven months, how unsure , how afraid - how all you'd wanted was someone there, to know exactly how you felt because it was their challenge to tackle too. Because maybe if there was someone, then it wouldn't feel so overwhelming... You then thought about all those times you'd thrown up alone or had to make quick emergency appointments because you were confused on something - alone. And even though being pregnant had left you feeling so very small and helpless - you'd kept your head above the water without anyone's help - well, apart from Akaashi who'd agreed to accompany you to every scan or official appointment. But then the idea of putting your feelings aside - discarding everything that you wanted to discuss felt slightly disappointing...but it was for the sake of something- no someone, greater than all that.

You nodded,"you're right, Akaashi. You're always right."

He placed a firm hand on your arm, and though he wasn't smiling, the sentiment was enough.

"Okay," you shifted, settling yourself into the seat, your head falling against the back of the chair,"you can continue driving now."

"What do you mean?," he arched his brows,"we're already here."

And all of a sudden - you couldn't breathe.


'This winter was particularly cold, the grass crunching under your shoes, the icy wind travelling through your tights and making your knees knock together like bells. Your teeth chattered, sending an unpleasant sound that echoed through you.

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