Chapter thirty: To hold.

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'Her head hung on his shoulder, her eyes squinting into the distance. She was washed out, black bags draped under her eyes. Sitting there in the midst of alcohol and sweat, their bodies slumped against each other with absent minds.

Another one of Daichis parties, where he completely trashed his leader persona and instead acted like an energetic dork. It was nice to see, how he'd run around, getting everyone involved in his antics. It really raised people's moods.

He looked down at her black hair, glossy and dead straight, reminding him of crow feathers. Kiyoko has always looked untouchable, so elegant and subtle, she had an air around her - as though she knew how to handle anything that came her way, and that no matter what you said to her, she wouldn't be phased... but it was a bit different when it came to Suga.

She found herself confiding in him a lot, maybe it was because he was more approachable? Or because his voice was so husky and soft that it practically teased the words out of her mouth. She knew there was more to him than he let on, though she couldn't put her finger on it...but she liked the mystery.

"What are you thinking about?," he spoke, breaking the silence that had eased over the dark room that was slumped with second years all asleep, some in the most uncomfortable of positions. Daichi has been the last to fall asleep, having been texting on his phone for most of the night- when asked denying that it was anything special, anything they should know about. You hadn't showed up, much to Sugas dismay, claiming you just 'really wanted to take a nap.'

She eased into him slightly, slipping her hand up to his chest, feeling him flinch slightly at the sensation earning a smile to tug at her cherry coloured lips,"about how you scrapped going home to stay with me tonight."

He laughed quietly,"I couldn't leave you here if you didn't feel comfortable, I mean I'd offer you to come over but-."

"That's effort," she nodded,"it's cool , I like being here with you."

"Y-you do?," he stiffened, his hands planted firmly against the floor behind him. Despite the state everyone else had gotten into, Suga had managed to keep himself decent, although he was sure he needed to shower or he'd smell like gin and Asahis puke for the rest of the week.

She got up, searching into his hazel eyes, so full of warmth, his lips curved sweetly, softly in the little light the room emitted. She didn't really get petty crushes - those were for girls who had no respect for themselves right? She couldn't imagine losing her senses over someone, but maybe she didn't need to. Suga made her feel smart and capable no matter the time or place, even at practise and at matches he always showed his appreciation, agreeing to walk her to the bus stop when she didn't want to go alone. She didn't feel at all weak around him, though there was a hint of fondness there, she wasn't sure how to show it or even how to go about it.

She turned away, tucking some free strands of inky black hair behind her ears,"Suga?"

"Hmm?," he watched her, not sure what was happening, trying not to get too ahead of himself.

"W-what do you think about me?," she hugged at her knees, she'd never asked something like that before , it was such a feeble thing to say - so insecure. She found her chest tightening as she waited for him to respond.

He was a little stunned, this wasn't like Kiyoko , she always seemed so sure of herself - he never felt as though he'd ever have to reassure her, usually it was the other way around,"w-well," he paused, noticing her arm that shook lightly, her pale skin like porcelain in the midst of the late summer night, he smiled towards her before biting his lip a little,"you're incredibly smart, you can be really funny too you know? I like the way you laugh when you really let loose and how angry you get when one of us is acting up. I like that you know what you want too - man I wish I had things figured out, the way you do. You always have an answer for everything too, I've never seen you really hesitate, you're so determined. I don't think we'd be where we are without you, plus you're like- really pretty."

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