Chapter twenty: She.

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He seemed off... his prominent features sunk in his face, the line of his lips glum and unnerving. His hair fell in his eyes, that now were matted with copper unlike their usual gleaming bright gold.

Akaashi stared at him, feeling his chest drop. Something wasn't right. He'd been noticing it, only recently but Bokuto wasn't himself, he was blunt and snappy and almost always distant. Akaashi was usually the one who could fix it - but now for the first time , it seemed, he felt unsure.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong," he croaked, gripping at the coffee cup in front of him.

Bokuto looked up, his gaze a little stunned. He brushed his hair away from his eyes and repositioned himself on his chair, "what do you mean?"

Akaashi looked away, he hadn't wanted to address it and for a while, afraid of what it meant. But the solemn expression on his boyfriends face was almost too much to bare, every moment he spent with him felt uneasy. He felt himself being nervous and paying close attention to every action and sentence that was held within the moments he spent with Bokuto. He hadn't wanted to let the inkling that was spreading in the back of his mind be true, that perhaps the issue was him.

"Somethings up Kō," he gripped his cup tighter, "something you're not telling me..."

"What are you talking about?," the ex captain huffed, leaning his arms lazily on the table.

Akaashi held in a breath before closing his eyes, " can I ask you something?"

"What kind of question is that?"



He turned his attention back to Bokuto, gripping his mug even tighter, feeling his heart thump in his chest, " are you bored of me?"

"wha-WHATTTTTTT!?!!," he slammed his palms against the table, his hair wafting out of his eyes as a result of the action. His shiny orbs were wide and he seemed completely caught off guard.

Akaashi felt his cheeks burn, "It's just you haven't been yourself lately and-"

"Akaashi don't go saying sh*t like that!," he took a breath letting his face soften," I'm not bored of you," he reached  across the table taking one of his hands in his, "there's just been you know...stuffs."

"Stuffs?," Akaashi let his face rest, shooting his boyfriend an exasperated gaze, "you're acting like a right little depressing b**ch because of 'stuffs'?"

"Yeah," he shot him a smile," that's why?"

"What stuffs?," he held his gaze, feeling the slightest hint of embarrassment choke at him. He had been wrong, he was never wrong.

"uh," his face sunk again, reaching his free hand up to scratch the back of his neck, "I'm just really worried about Kuroo."

"Huh?," Akaashi furrowed his brows, "why would you be worried about Kuroo? Things are looking up for him I mean he's got (y/n) now."

"That's the problem," Bokuto frowned," he says he thinks she might be 'the one,' but he can be so niave - I can't help but feel that somethings off and after what happened last time.."

"Last time?"

Bokuto leaned his head in his hand," A while back Kuroo was convinced he was 'in love.' It was this chick called Aiko Hinama , she and a few others used to follow him around a lot, boys and girls- they weren't the best influence on him."

"What do you mean?," Akaashi stared. Why would Bokuto be against you? You hadn't done anything wrong.

"They were heavy on the alcohol," Bokuto twiddled his fingers after sliding his hand away," some even dappled in drugs. He claimed they were good people, but I knew they took advantage of him, especially the girls," he glanced down at the table," Then one day Aiko decided he was hers, she warded all the other girls off and I guess for a while she wasn't an issue and he seemed really comfortable having her around. But then I guess things took a turn for the worse..."

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