Chapter thirty nine: The one.

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He took off towards the gym, he was late. His trainers slapped against the ground as he ran, his silver hair ruffling backwards as he did so. He reached out desperately, gripping the handle and tugging outwards before throwing himself into the gym.

"SUGA!," he could see Coach Kao racing towards him, a harsh grin on his face,"I've got a job for you today! You mentioned you were vice captain back at Karasuno right?"

He huffed, throwing down his gym bag,"y-yes sir," he managed running a hand through his hair.

"Good," he patted the player between his shoulder blades harshly , " I need you to whip our little bedhead back into shape - think you can handle it?"

"Bedhead?," he paused before his eyes travelled upwards, landing on the figure that stood so firmly next to the spare net, his hazel eyes were firm on Suga, his lips in a harsh line that didn't break despite his coaches cheerful manner and Sugas expression of pure dread.

"Great," Kao nodded, " The others will be practising over here today," he motioned towards the other net, before chuckling, " just don't...kill each other."

"B-but sir-," he didn't have a chance to answer, the older man had already ran off, clapping his hands together and yelling to get the teams attention.

Suga gulped, looking back at the ex-Nekoma captain whose expression still hadn't changed. Reluctantly he made his way over to the dark haired boy, bending down to grab a volleyball before continuing. The sound of trainers squeaking against the floor and yells of encouragement exploding in his ears - though over here it was a little quiet, the tension weighing heavy on his shoulders.

"I didn't know you were back," Suga breathed examining the ball in his hands, turning it subtly trying to avoid Kuroos razor-sharp gaze.

"It's okay," he moved swiftly knocking the ball out of his grip- noticing the distraction is was surging his companion, it fell to the floor before he retrieved it, his tanned arms flexing lightly, " you didn't need to know."

"So," Suga let out a breath," maybe we could warm up before-."

"I've warmed up," Kuroo gave him an eerie smile," you were late pretty boy, if you wanna warm up then you do it alone."

He stared, ripping the ball out of the taller boys hands before muttering,"let's see if you can still spike."

He positioned himself, throwing the ball upwards - he was glad to see that his skills as a setter hadn't seemed to diminished but in fact stayed in tact. But the joy didn't last for long, Kuroo leaped, higher than he had before...his hand met the ball with precise strength sending it slamming into the ground on the opposite side within seconds. He landed, hardly making a sound before turning to his trainer, his sharp features beaming.

Suga scowled at him, rushing to retrieve the ball, he gripped it in his hands and in a rush of curiosity sent it upwards before jumping himself - aiming to hit it towards the right corner of the pitch. The right fabric hit against his palm, stinging his skin. He landed catching sight of the ball in the corner of his eye, it had fallen towards the liberos domain, bumbling against the floor in its wake.

He glanced up at Kuroo, who suddenly seemed managing under the large bright lights of the gym - he hadn't broken a sweat, a wide thin smile tailoring his features. His training shirt was tight against his frame, the details of him were harsher, more prominent sparking Sugas assumptions-

"You've been training," he breathed, straightening up, staring at his companion from the other side of the net,"What were you even-."

"I wanted to put my time into something useful," he ran a toned hand through his hair,"what about you Suga huh? Where have you been this whole time?"

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