Chapter forty three: Almost perfect.

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You stepped out of the shower, your leg wobbling slightly as you steadied yourself - the cool air brushing your damp skin and sending a shiver through your spine. You gripped for a towel, throwing it around your sore frame swiftly before slipping through the door.

You'd gotten home not long ago, after being held behind in the hospital. They'd needed to conduct some tests on you, considering your recent incident. It all felt so real today - you'd woken up in a daze, for a moment completely oblivious as to where you were or what had was only when you'd shifted and gazed upon the carpeted chair that sat silently next to your bed that you'd been reminded...because there they were - Kuroo, his head leaning against the back of the chair, his lips parted in slumber, his lashes settled on the edges of his curved cheeks. His defined arms were adjusted, his long scarred hands rested on a little figure, their head rested on his chest...his chubby cheeks were blushed, his little lips parted sweetly, long dark eyelashes gathered together in the midst of his unconsciousness, the strands of raven black hair stuck up slightly on his head - your son - Ryūrō.

You felt an ease in your chest, a grip of excitement as you awkwardly shimmied into your pyjamas, lazily tying back your wet hair before scurrying down the hall. Your eyes basking gently across the room before you latched onto him - Kuroo sat upon the sofa. He turned at the sound of your clothes shuffling, his hazel eyes resting gently on your frame before turning back to glance at the TV. You smiled to yourself slightly. As soon as you'd gotten in, you hadn't needed to lift a finger - Kuroo had sorted almost everything out before eagerly suggesting that you have some time to relax, a little break from the 'hands-on' routine you'd been trapped in. You wouldn't admit it, but you liked having Kuroo here - even though he had no particular choice.

You curved around before sitting next to him, your thigh brushing his as you did so. Your eyes immediately landed on the newborn that lay in the day cot, your heart filling with warmth. You watched as he shifted slightly, the blanket that had been placed around him creasing as his tiny arms twitched, his eyelashes fluttering as he was immersed by consciousness. You were suddenly aware that both you and Kuroo had leaned forward, to gaze in awe at the child. Your eyes snapped back, your whole body stilled as the figure moved out his arms, his mouth widening as his body trembled slightly - producing the smallest yawn you'd ever witnessed. You reached out your arms, scooping up the little one, laying him contently on your chest.

"Hello little man," Kuroo cooed, stroking his fingertip just under his sons palm.

You studied your child fondly, his eyes were wide open, staring at his father. Kuroo took this opportunity to make faces, forcing Ryūrō to arch his tiny eyebrows. You pressed your lips together, holding in the giggles that gathered in your chest but to no eval - they slipped out just seconds later, traumatising little Ryūrō who - in his confusion, opted to cry.

"Oop-," you coughed, forcing yourself to settle before huffing one final laugh,"it's okay, it's okay," you stroked at his hair as an attempts to ease him which didn't work - much to your disappointment.

"H-here," Kuroo reached out taking the bawling baby in his hands before softly laying him down on his chest and bobbing him lightly...Ryūrō instantly stopped crying.

"Oh," you nodded, adjusting yourself awkwardly against the cushions.

The air was slightly tense, you and Kuroo had barely spoken since the birth - although you'd still operated together as a team, changing, feeding and comforting your son.

He turned, noticing as you fidgeted subtly with the bottom of your pyjama shirt. He didn't know how to act around you, what he should say - his emotions felt so intense that he was terrified if he opened his mouth then it would all start to slip out...regardless, he couldn't stick the silence.

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