Chapter thirty six: Favour.

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2 months later:

You woke up sore and groggy, the sheets warm and clammy under your skin. It took you a moment to get up, adjusting your pyjamas that had slipped awkwardly around your shoulders. The apartment was silent, only the distant ruffles of fabrics and the occasional breath that escaped your lips breaking it.

You stood slowly but steadily, balancing yourself on your sore feet. You reached swiftly, opening the curtains, a flash of light escaping and falling over your room, today the clouds were white and extravagant- the window letting in a cold draft that hit your chest and shoulders.

You let your hand slip down to the small of your back, rubbing it gently where it ached and when you turned you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. Your hair a loose mess of (h/c) tangles, the silk nighty you'd bought creased against your skin, having stretched against your hormonal frame - you looked exhausted.

And in a moment is strange curiosity your hands traveled to your stomach, resting against it. You'd never get used to this feeling...the heaviness that came with it and yet the strange bliss this condition gave you. Because even though you still felt painfully lonely, you never really were alone.

You found it a little hilarious, that only the second time you'd committed the act - it had resulted in something so life altering...maybe you really had been reckless that night, but perhaps it was the notion of someone loving you that left you blinded. You remembered how quickly it had all happened, how glorious he had been, how so very real.

This felt like some strange punishment - being forever at a distance but connected by something that was so evident. You thought that maybe it would get easier, that you'd forget - but you couldn't. How could you possibly ever not remember him? Now that he'd left you with something so permanent.

As the months went by it only got worse, as your child developed, so did the sickening ache of missing them. Your best friend, the one you'd loved so agonisingly, the boy that held you through so so much and then the one who'd found you, who'd stayed on their own account and had made you feel so worthy, who'd adored you through happiness and anger... both of which had slipped through your fingers...leaving you lost.

You closed your eyes, right now you could have done with Sugas shoulder to lean upon or one of Kuroos hugs, his large arms entirely engulfing you...but instead all you got was the sound of your alarm ringing, calling you to stop feeling so f**king sorry for yourself and to get on with the day.


Akaashi was trying to keep quiet, afraid he'd slip up if he was requested to speak. The reviving ex-Nekoma captain had showed up early that morning, forcing the two of them out of their toasty sheets...much to Akaashis disappointment. Now he sat there in front of them, a lazy grin holding the line of his lips in an easy curve.

"W-What are you doing here?," Bokuto managed the muster, the excitement he felt hardly holding containable.

"I haven't seen you guys in months," Kuroo ran a hand through his hair,"and I think it's time I got back on track you know?"

"You took your time," Akaashi took a sip of the coffee he held in his hand,"I was starting to wonder If you'd ever come back-."

"YOU'VE GOT SUCH BEEFY SHOULDERS!," Bokuto sprang up , squeezing his friends bicep, who macho-man posed in response.

Akaashi rolled his eyes," so you've been training?"

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