Chapter fourteen: Run.

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"Okay but you've got to agree."

You were looking at him over your breakfast, your hair tied back in a knotty bun, wisps of hair flying around your forehead. When you'd woken up that morning you'd been bombarded by Suga, who'd snuck through your door, tossing his dirty training shirt on your face. You'd gagged and screamed at him forcing him to giggle like a kid as you shot several embroidered cushions in his directions.

After that you two hadn't stopped talking, you had a lot to catch up on.

"I think I," he'd scratched his head in the frame of your bathroom,"I think I like someone."

"Like, like like them?," you'd raised a brow at him, having glanced at his reflection in your mirror, gurgling through a mouth full of toothpaste foam.

"Yeah," his eyes had perked up,"Yeah I really think I do."

"Man or woman?," you'd muffled before spitting out the residue. It was always important to ask, when Suga had come out as bi to you at the end of your second year- you'd always made sure to be mindful.

"Woman," he'd stared at you as you'd turned to face him. His cheeks dapping with a light pink sheen, he looked like a cherub, with his soft curls and puffy morning face.

"And you want my advice?," you'd laughed, placing your hands dramatically on your hips, looking at him with your head tilted.

"Actually yeah-."

And then he'd explained it, almost over and over again, begging you to agree - which had led you to where you were right now, slumped on the kitchen stool, glaring at him.

"I'm not going to be your pawn," you scoffed, crunching on cereal after slipping it in your mouth with your wooden spoon that Suga had ranted very passionate about ( "BUT-BUT HUNNNNY WE'RE SAVING THE ANIMALS!")

"Why not," he leaned on his elbows,"I know for a fact you haven't got plans with Kuroo tonight, plus you owe me for practically avoiding me for weeks."

You gasped waving your spoon at him,"YOU WERE THE ONE AVOIDING ME!"

"Bada-bing, bada-boom," he shrugged,"all you have to do is go with me to a movie."

"You're positive she'll be there?," you wiped at your mouth with the back of your arm," 'cause if not then I'm not going."

"I'm almost 100% certain," he nodded turning before bolting his face back at you,"wait- does that mean you're coming!?"

You shoved another load of cereal in your mouth,"Yeah, I've got nothing else to do, but-," you swallowed,"you owed me owe me one."


He stared at the name that lay in his contacts, his thumb hovering over it before it fell again.

When he'd got on the train, he hadn't known where he was going though he'd reassured you and Suga he'd be back at college soon. He'd ended up staying there past the time he was meant to have boarded off, landing in eventually at the place he'd grown up.

The fields that he'd ran through so many times had greeted him sweetly, so did the air - so clean and clear. Home.

When he'd gotten home his parents had been shocked though after explaining everything to them they'd settled, assuring him he could stay as long as he needed to.

It was only then, when he was laying on the bed that had been kept the way he'd left it, in the room he'd rejected when he'd left when he thought of her. He felt like a high schooler again, except the memory of being so confident, determined and level headed almost made him feel sick.

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