Chapter twenty five: Too much.

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You had your head against his shoulder, he held you on the floor. He was at a loss for words, having rushed into the aftermath of conflict, and then there was you- alone.

He hadn't had to ask, the look on your face, the way you sat there on the ground limply, your eyes a distant mask. He'd gulped, gripping you tightly because that's all he could do.

But this time you didn't sob, you just sat there, letting Akaashi hold you - numb to the touch.

"I'll stay," he finally managed to muster.

And for the first time in moments, you moved, turning to hug him


The hair that leaked through the window, left his hair unsettled, aroused in the current that whisked itself up from the highway.

He didn't know where he was going, or even why. He was running, running from it all.

He thought the faster he went the quicker he'd get away, but the images flashed in his mind over and over and over. Aiko, her hold on him, her eyes full of sin, Bokuto warning him over and over, his mom, stood small and innocent in front of him with that soft sympathetic look on her face. And you... you with your stupid smile, stupid laugh, the way you scrunched up your nose when you smirked, how you spat out the most inappropriate things and giggled instantly afterwards. You dancing in the halls of the supermarket, scribbling down notes in class, laying beside him in the early morning. How you'd peck him on the cheek when he was tired, how you'd hug him to your chest and play with his hair, the way you looked at him, the freckles on your back. Just you. weren't his anymore - no, that didn't matter...

He wasn't yours - that's what hurt the most.

"F**K!," he spat, gripping his hands firmly onto the steering wheel - the rest of him was shaking, his arms jerking though his fingers were held in place.

He gritted his teeth, remembering the way your eyes were red, whispering with tears he'd caused. He bit his lip, trying to squint away his own tears that came.

"I love you too."

He gasped remembering the look Suga had given him that one night, his arms grasped around you - it's as though he'd been earning him then. You were Sugas and there was nothing he could do about it.

"you're even weaker than I thought..."

"No,no!," he gripped at his head, his cheeks dampening each second. He'd never been in so much pain.

"how can you possibly expect me to believe you when you don't even have a solid explanation!? And why the f**k am I chasing after you!..."

He pouted, desperately trying to wipe at the tears that fogged up his vision, rubbing vigorously at his eyes.

'He stood there, glitching onto the door frame. He couldn't stop himself from shaking, his little legs quivering as he listened.

"Jiro... you- you can't be leaving... you can't-."

"Yumi , I- I can't take this anymore...we've lost so much- can't you see?"

"But Tetsurō, he needs you, he needs his dad."

There was silence for a moment, he was held in place, afraid if he moved - that they'd hear and get angry. His small knuckles growing white with their grip.

"No....," he could hear his mom gasping,"no, no, no!"

He shuddered suddenly, listening to the sound of footsteps rushing limply up the stairs. He panicked, running towards his pokémon bed, jumping in it , pulling the blankets up over his head, nuzzling into the pillow- staying as still as possible.

That's when he heard a sigh, the muffled of a gulp and closer footsteps.

"T-Tetsu?," he heard his fathers voice call out,"you awake buddy?"

He turned, staring back at his dad with wide youthful eyes. His father had always seemed so young to him, his friends always asking about it. He was handsome, his mom said, his black hair spiked out, his eyes a sincere shade of amber, freckles painting his cheeks...

He was the one who'd taught Kuroo to spike, the one who'd cried when he'd taken his first steps, the one who always took him to the movies, he'd taught him to ride a bike, he'd made every ache and scrape better, he was the one who made the best pizza pie in the world. The one who got rid of all the monsters from his room, who always kept him and his mom safe, he wiped away moms tears and kept everyone laughing.

Yet here he was, looking at his son...heartbroken.

He softened slightly when he noticed Kuroo, awake. Moving to sit on the bed with him. Kuroo rushed, sitting up, hugging the blanket to his chest.

Jiro reached for his son, running the back of his fingers against his cheek, through his hair. His heart ached as he looked at his child, so small, so perfect.

"D-daddys gotta go away for a while..."

"W-why?," Kuroo shifted, placing a small hand on his dad's arm.

Jiro flinched, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Uh, it's for work," he managed a smile,"but I promise I'm coming back okay? And then we'll-."

"WE'LL GO TO MR.PIPS!," Kuroo smiled hopefully. It was his favourite place to go, his dad knew some of the people who worked there and always ordered him cookie pie. They always went to the middle of the city to get it - no matter what.

"That's right buddy," he smiled,"I promise."

Jiro stared at Tetsurō, his heart hammering against his chest - it was all so wrong... but he couldn't take it anymore. He opened his arms.

"Come here Tetsu."

Kuroo stood up on his bed, wrapping his arms around his dad. Jiro gripped him tight, feeling the tears rush out of him, as he held his pride and joy in his arms...never ready to part.

When he left he broke his own heart...

Leaving his son waiting for his return, sat in the window with his backpack on, hands pressed against the glass ready for that promised trip to Mr. Pips.

Until one day, he had to be told the truth...'

He tried and he tried to stop the tears from falling, but his attempts to prevent them came to no avail. It was getting hard to breath.

He opened his eyes wide, his body jerking suddenly. And in the single moment he could see - a flash of shiny black passed over his wind screen. He heard a crushing sound, and in a moment he was lifted upwards, his body feeling light before he plummeted into nothingness.

⭐️AHHHHHHHHHH ( I'm sorry if the quality has dipped but I'm just so excited guys) xx⭐️

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