Chapter forty one: Official (pt 2.)

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You'd gotten to the hospital abruptly, Akaashi having passed two red lights on your journey. He'd lugged you out of the car, you'd both stumbled awkwardly into the reception - the moment your legs had gone underneath you, several nurses had abandoned their things to rush to you - one of them actually being the receptionist. You'd been eased into a wheelchair and scurried through the curving halls, the harsh smell of disinfectant giving you a headache. It hadn't taken them long to check you over, help you out of your clothes and drug you up - though it had taken them some time to calm down Akaashi, who was struggling to breathe, trembling uncontrollably.

You lay on your side, the hospital gown light against your frame, your hair had been dabbed dry. Sure they'd given you medication to ease the pain, but the pain was still there - although not at the same volume it had been before. The final nurse had left just moments ago, having handed Akaashi a glass of water, making a joyful remark on how eager your baby must be - seems within the next twenty minutes they'd be back to get down to business and though she had only paled.

You looked up at him, he was scrolling through his feed trying to distract you by showing you memes - though you felt it was more for him. He wasn't shaking so much now but his breathing was slightly unsteady, his foot tapping against the floor rapidly - mixing with the chatter of the small TV that hung on the wall and the sounds that slipped from the hall and underneath the door, the sound of shoes against the floor, voices calling at one another - some urgent and even the sound of women screaming...which only shot your nerves even more.

"Hey look at this o-," his blue eyes shot at you and in moments he was reaching for the painfully white bucket, shoving it in front of you.

You shook your head in protest,"I don't need-," you were cut off by a shooting pain that speared through you, and the rising of a substance up your throat. It splashed into the bucket just seconds later.You met each others gaze for a moment, both as shocked as each other.

"Sh*t," he breathed,"I guess I've seen you throw up so much that I've got like spew-sense."

You arched your brows letting out a groan of discomfort before placing him with an expression of disbelief," spew-sense?"

He seemed to ease at the sound of your voice though it was croaky and hadn't said a word to him since you'd got into the hospital and it was beginning to trouble him, he didn't like you being quiet - because you weren't that kind of person at all.

He smiled,"it's a blessing and a curse."

You nodded, leaning back down on the bed, your back and stomach tending slightly as you zapped your eyes closed, letting out a breathy groan. When your (e/c) orbs shot open again he was gazing at you with empathy.

"How you feeling?," he leaned his head on his hand, his soft black waves falling lightly.

You forced a grin through the pulling sensation that ringed within you,"like my body is about to spontaneously combust- mmmph."

He seemed to hesitate for a moment before he placed down his phone, his free arm reaching towards you, his long fingers taking your hand in his. You looked down at the contact, his olive wrist against yours that was decorated with a white paper band, he squeezed tightly.

"I'm so proud of you (f/n.)"

Your eyes travelled quickly to his face. You remembered the first time you'd seen him, you'd thought he was so intimidating and cold but then you remembered seeing him again at the cafe - how he'd been so full of sass. You didn't know how it had all happened, but you'd seen more of him since then - each moment you had with each other seemed to had built a friendship. You were reminded of how he had held you whilst you had cried, had forced you to keep going when you felt like giving up, had sat on the toilet floor with you whilst waiting to see if the scenario you were in at this very instant would ever come to be. He'd taken you to your scans and tried to help you think of names, all whilst checking up on you - you'd gone out to the movies, to diners - he'd shared news to you about his and Bokutos relationship and always wanted to know about what was going on with owed almost everything to Akaashi.

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