Chapter forty seven: What matters.

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A month and a half later:

He was gazing over at you, your head lulled back against the sky, your (h/c) tangles brushing against your smooth back. He took pleasure in the ease of your shoulders, curving limply as your hands supported you - palms flat against the flickering grass. It meant something, to be here with you - in the place you'd both grown up, chasing each other across these fields - mud staining your knees, strolling through them after school - your tired eyes grasping at each other...and now - to laze amongst the flowers together.

You were always beautiful, but there was something about seeing you in this place...seeing you so at home. In the city you stuck out amongst the others, but over time he'd noticed you tire like a rose snipped selfishly from its dwelling...fading with the absence of its environment. He knew things hadn't been particularly simple for you lately, having to share your son amongst yourself and his father...he'd watched you study so hard, been a victim of your requirement for taking up extra shifts and had witnessed you train yourself to death - not wanting to give the slightest thought to your child not being with you.

You dipped your head to the side, your eyes running over him. The sun made his hair glow white, his smooth skin glowing in its wake only ever deepening the attention of his dark lashes and the beauty mark that tied up his identity firmly. He wore a plain white shirt, his shorts making way to his well worked legs - he'd tanned lightly in the coming of summer, adding to his warming essence. You'd jumped as his offer to take you on a trip back home, you hadn't visited since you'd been two months pregnant and you felt a little wanted to introduce Ryū to the place that had been the foundation of your childhood - since he'd been born directly into city life. The familiarity of the place had engulfed you, numbing the tension that had clouded you so viciously, re-energising your worn out frame with the simplicity and blissfulness of the area.

You sighed, sitting upright,"I've missed this place."

"Yeah," he nodded,"It's crazy how much we all wanted to get away."

"New isn't always bad," you shrugged,"But I guess there's something comforting about having somewhere to go back to you know? A place that's always there."

He nodded simply, watching as you shifted, your loose summer dress creasing as you did so. Your arms moved gracefully into the carrier, lifting out little Ryū who'd seemingly stirred awake. He squinted out at the scenery as you pulled a giant sun hat onto his little head, smushing his dark waves that had tangled in his sleep. Suga smiled at the innocence of him, the way he gazed around slowly at his surroundings having been placed to sit on your lap, your hand supporting him as he reached to grip at the grass which tickled at his tiny fingers causing him to arch his eyebrows.

"Chin up," you commanded, placing the boy on your knee as you plastered his face, arms and legs in sun cream - much to Ryūs distaste who squealed in aggravation. The five month old was quite amusing, he was able to sit for short periods of time without support ( which you'd cried over, calling everyone you knew immediately,) he blabbered - usually sounds that had no context but he always seemed pleased with them and he was able to clap his hands together although sometimes not at the best of occasions. The one thing you'd complained about however was Ryūrōs constant desire to roll over - which wasn't cute when you were trying to change his diaper.

"He's getting so big," Suga cooed, catching you smile in response down at your little one. It warmed his heart to watch you with your son - how much you loved him...oddly it made him feel selfish for wanting you.

"Alright, here we go-," she lifted him carefully, hovering him above the grass. He curled his legs up as you lowered him, you giggled'd talked about how this was the first time Ryū would have felt grass on his toes - looks like he wasn't too keen,"Ryū!," you cackled, he scrunched up his face letting out a cry of distaste before you placed him back in your lap huffing,"I guess we'll try again later."

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