Chapter 1: memorial ceremony

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They arrived at Edoras in a day and a half. When they went to Medoseld, Eowyn came to the Niphredil. "welcome back to Edoras. Last time we couldn't host you as we should. You must be tired. I have prepared rooms for you. Please go and rest. We have a memorial ceremony at evening and we want to celebrate the victory of Helms deep. We would be so happy if you join us." She said.

Niphredil looked at her with uncertainty. "Eowyn, I really liked to come, but ..." she didn't finish her word. She didn't like to go to the gathering of the men. She was a she-elf. She doesn't like the way they watched her.

"Please. I can give you a dress and help you get ready if that's a problem." Said Eowyn.

Niphredil laughed. There was a warm feeling in Eowyn's request that made Niphredil not to reject her. "it would be my pleasure, Eowyn. thank you." She replied.

"that's great. Please come with me." Said Eowyn.

Niphredil turned and looked at Legolas and waved for him. "I will see you at night." he smiled and nodded his head. "I will come after you. Wait for me.".

Niphredil followed Eowyn to the room she had prepared for her. the room was much more beautiful than the one in Helm's deep. There was a bed with green covers and window to the western hills and a wooden toilet table with a mirror with a golden frame on it.

"I have prepared a bath for you. I will send maids a few hours later to help you get ready." Said Eowyn and dropped her head. "well, please forgive us if we can't be a good host for a Lady of the Elves." Said Eowyn embarrassed. Niphredil smiled and took Eowyn's hands. "Please don't say such words. Everything is perfect. Thank you, Eowyn." she said.

Eowyn looked at Niphredil's brown eyes and relaxed. "Rest while you can, my lady." She said and bowed and left.

Niphredil took a bath and had a nap. Two hours later, two maids came to her room and brought a light blue dress for her. The maids were so young and were so excited to see the Lady of the Elves. They stood at the door. "Lady Eowyn sent this dress for you. She hoped you liked it and it fits you. Although I'm a tailor and can fit it for you." Said one of them nervously. Niphredil smiled at them. "thank you both for coming. Please relax. There is no need for having stress." Said Niphredil gently. The two girls relaxed with Niphredil's soothing voice. They helped her to put on the dress and put a delicate golden circlet on her head.

While they were combing her hair, Niphredil was looking out from the window. The sun was setting and the sky was red and orange. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was like Sauron's eye had been locked on her.

"you are ready, my lady. You look great. I have not seen anyone more beautiful than you." Said one of the girls. Niphredil smiled.

"but you looked a little upset, my lady." Said the other girl.

"I'm fine. I was just thinking about something." Said Niphredil. someone knocked on the door. "come in." said Niphredil. The door opened and Legolas walked in. He had worn his light blue tonic, just like Niphredil's dress. Niphredil calmed down at his sight and smiled. "Legolas!" she said happily.

"I've come after you. The ceremony is starting." Said Legolas with sparkles in his eyes. Niphredil nodded and stood. She turned to girls. "Thank you for your help. Tonight is for you. Go and enjoy the ceremony." She said softly. The girls looked at the two Elves with strange looks and then bowed and left the room, giggling to themselves. Niphredil looked at them questioningly.

Legolas closed the door after them. "what was so funny?" asked Niphredil. Legolas came and engulfed her in his arms and kissed her forehead. "I don't know. The way of the men is strange to me." Said Legolas. "you look stunning." Whispered Legolas and kissed Niphredil's lips. Niphredil giggled.

"well, I must be really good to look stunning to the handsome king of the Elves." Whispered Niphredil playfully. Legolas laughed and kissed her again, longer this time.

"Okay. Let's go. Others are waiting for us." Said Legolas when they pulled away. Niphredil dropped her head uncertain. Legolas put his finger under her chin and raised her head. "what's wrong, my love?" he asked worriedly.

"nothing. I'm just ... it's just ..." Niphredil tried to find good words. She then sighed. "Legolas, I'm an Elleth. I don't like the way the people of Rohan looking at me." Said Niphredil.

Legolas laughed and kissed her cheek. "Of course they must look at you like that. I don't blame them. You are the fairest lady they have seen. But don't be worried. I'm at your side all the time." Said Legolas reassuringly.

Niphredil calmed down with his words. Legolas offered his arm to her and she took it happily.

They went to the great hall and saw all the people of Rohan had gathered there. Their friends were in a corner, waiting for them. Pippin saw them and clapped his hands. "look, our Niphredil is back." He said Happily. "I had not gone anywhere, Peregrin Took." Said Niphredil. "You look great, lassie." Said Gimli happily. Aragorn smiled and bowed. Gandalf smiled as well. "now that all of us are here, let's go and sit." He said.

They went and sat at their seats. Everyone was looking at the Lady of the Elves with admire. Someone came and gave mugs of ale to men. Then the King, Eowyn, and Eomer came in and went to the king's throne. Theoden and Eomer each had a golden goblet in their hands. Theoden stood and Eomer and Eowyn stood behind him. Eomer's eyes found Niphredil and his heartbeat quickened. She was so beautiful.

"Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country." Said Theoden. He then raised his goblet and Everyone stood. "Hail the victorious dead." He said aloud. "Hail!" everyone said in union and drank their ale.

Then the ceremony started. Everyone was laughing, eating and talking. Niphredil was stood near Gandalf. Gimli had taken Legolas somewhere. He had said something about competition. "It's good to see people this happy. I wish they remain happy forever." Said Niphredil softly.

"That will happen only when the Dark Tower falls. But alas that they will see so sorrow till that time. All of us must pay so much to see the days of true happiness again." said Gandalf while looking at the happy people.

"What do you want to do with the Palantir?" asked Niphredil.

"I don't' know for now. It's linked to the Palantir in Barad-Dur. It's completely in Sauron's disposal. I wish I could use it to see Frodo, but It's not in my power to fight with Sauron." said Gandalf.

Niphredil looked at her friend's agitated face. His eyes had become deeper just like his thoughts. "There are fine, Gandalf." She said softly and Gandalf turned his head to her. Niphredil smiled at him. "Frodo and Sam, they are fine. The weigh of the Ring is getting more with each passing day, but they have each other and they endure. hobbits are really amazing beings." She said reassuringly and looked at Merry and Pippin who were dancing and singing and smiled and turned to Gandalf again.

Gandalf peered into her eyes. Niphredil was sure he had guessed about her connection with Frodo, but he didn't say anything. He just nodded his head. "it's heartening." He said and smiled. They saw Theoden walked to them.

"I'm happy you joined us tonight, my lady." He said politely.

"It's an honor to be here." Said Niphredil.

"well, I never found a good time to apologize for our rudeness on the first day you came here. I must thank you for all you've done for me and my people as well. I owe you a lot. Thank you." Said Theoden grateful.

Niphredil smiled. "It's less I could do for the great people of Rohan and their great king." She said. "I'm tired. If you forgive me, I will retire to my room."

"Go, I will tell Legolas." Said Gandalf. Niphredil nodded and left the hall and to her room. She changed to her nightdress and sighed in relief. Although the dress that Eowyn had sent for her was from the finest cloth, but it was heavy compared to Elves dresses.

She looked out from the window. The stars were not so bright although the sky was clear. Sauron's will was at work. Niphredil could feel his dark will more these days and that made her weak. She lied on her bed. She was too tired although she had not done anything. She slowly let her mind go to the realm of dreams.

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