Chapter 15: Three gifts

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It was late at night. Although Aragorn had taken his decision to challenge Sauron through the Palantir, it took him hours to gain enough courage to use the Orb. He was standing in the throne hall with his sword, Andúril, tightly clenched in his hand. The Palantir was on the stairs which led to the throne, wrapped tightly in a cloth.

Aragorn took a deep breath and pushed away the covers and took the orb in his hand. The mist inside of the Orb changed to flames and soon he was looking at the eye of Sauron.

Nipherdil entered the hall. She saw Gandalf standing in the shadows. She went and stood next to him. "he is not ready. Sauron will break him. I tried to prevent him, but he didn't listen. He can't fight alone." Gandalf's worried voice flowed in Niphredil's mind.

" Gandalf's worried voice flowed in Niphredil's mind

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"Behold the Sword of Elendil." Said Aragorn and brought his sword in front of the Orb. Niphredil closed her eyes. She could feel the presence of evil in the room. She could read his thoughts. She felt his fear of the sword, but soon an image filled her head. It was Arwen who was on the ground, but she was so pale. She was dead. Aragorn yelled and dropped the Palantir which fell on the ground. he stepped backward and suddenly the necklace which Arwen had given to him, fell from his neck and shattered on the marble floor. He was panting hard and fell to his knees.

"he is not alone." Said Niphredil to Gandalf and went behind Aragorn and put her hand on his shoulder. Aragorn looked up at her. he looked miserable. "do not let him play with your mind. I am familiar with his play." Said Niphredil and offered her hand to Aragorn.

Her words calmed down Aragorn a bit and he took her hand and stood by her help.

"I know what you have seen. I saw it in my mind. don't be worry. Arwen is fine. I don't want to give you vain hope. The light of Undómiel will fade if this darkness continues. You have to fight for her, for your people. And for achieving this you must be Strong and firm so even a storm can't bend you." Said Niphredil and Aragorn dropped his head. Niphredil put her hand under his chin and raised his face. "I will help you to defeat him and reclaim your right and in this way, I will give you three gifts."

She then bent down and slowly picked the Palantir in her hand. Immediately her vision changed. It was like her nightmare in Edoras was rewinding itself. She was standing in front of Sauron once again, but this time she was not paralyzed by fear. Power was flowing from her. she was in a silver dress which was moving with an unseen wind. A star was on her forehead, shining like Eärendil has come down and landed there.

"so finally," said Sauron and walked closer. "Elentary had gained her full power. A power that is and will be mine."

"you will not threat me and my loved ones. I won't let you suffer the innocent people anymore." said Niphredil and Sauron laughed, so dark and menacing that sent shiver down Niphredil's spine.

"who has given you this vain words that you can overpower me? have you forgotten who I am?" he said and the flames grew and his darkness became deeper if it was even possible. "your powers are nothing compared to mine, even without the Ring. I am Sauron the Maia. you have no chance in front of me. I will bring you to your knees."

This time it was Niphredil's turn. She began to glow brighter and pushed back the fire of Sauron who was surprised. "you are so sure of yourself, you servant of naught. I, Niphredil Elentary will make sure to destroy you forever." she said.

"If I fall, I will take you with myself and with your power, I will come back once again and will cover this world with darkness so foul that no free soul can bear it even for a second, and there will be no Elentary anymore to save them." Said Sauron angrily.

"we will see. You won't dominate this Palantir anymore." Said Niphredil and raised her hand. A bright flash of light glowed from her hand and Sauron screamed in agony and slowly faded in the darkness.

Then Niphredil was standing in the woods

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Then Niphredil was standing in the woods. Ithilien. Everywhere was silent and she could hear the sound of night birds and a stream not far away. She then thought about the sea and suddenly she was at a beach. Calm waves were washing the shore. It was peaceful. The full moon was shining and the sound of waves was soothing. Suddenly a great tendency filled her heart to sit in a ship and leave Middle-Earth and go to Valinor with Legolas. There they could live in the Lorien gardens without any worries.

She sighed. For now, she had another duty. Sauron would hunt her to undying lands as well. The Palantir was at her power. She could see everywhere in the realm of Gondor.

She opened her eyes and was back in the throne hall. She was a little pale and saw Aragorn looking at her with worried eyes.

"my first gift for you, Aragorn son of Arathorn, is the Palantir of Orthanc which belongs to the king of Gondor." She said and offered the Orb to Aragorn who took it with caution. His eyes widened from shock immediately.

"It's not under the power of Sauron anymore. As the king of Gondor, you will take it. use it for good will." she said and put her hand on his shoulder.

"you are not alone in this fight, my friend." Whispered Niphredil.

Aragorn looked at her with grateful eyes. he came close and kissed her forehead softly. "Thank you, my Lady." he said.

Niphredil smiled and looked behind him and saw Gandalf standing there with a smile on his face. he bowed to Niphredil and she returned the gesture.

Niphredil Elentary had finally gained her full power.

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