Chapter 35: The man

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Eldarion was walking in the forest of Greenwood stealthy. He knew that men are not allowed to enter the great forest, but as the son of the king of Gondor who was the friend of King Legolas and the son of Lady Arwen who was an Elf herself, he gave himself this permission to enter the forest.

He was alone. For 10 years since he was 20, he was with the Rangers in the north and he knew everything about being alone in nature. He was 30 but still, he was inexperienced and immature. He knew that he must have respect the rule of the high king of the Elves, but he was so curious. He was dying to see the king and his Queen, Lady Niphredil. He had heard a lot about them, but king Legolas had forbidden any communication between the humans and the Elves of Greenwood since 22 years ago when he was only 8.

He had also heard things that he shouldn't. About an Elleth, beautiful more than anything and anyone. He had heard about her from two Elves who were talking about her in secret. He was hiding behind a pillar in Imladris and had heard them talking about the princess of Greenwood, Elanill Mallorn, and how much they had missed her. When he had asked about this Elleth from his uncles Elladan and Elrohir, they were become surprised and a bit frightened and had told him not to talk about her again and forget all about her.

But as a young man he was, he had not forgotten about this secret princess a bit and she was his main reason for breaking the rules. He hoped that maybe he can see her from afar.

He was too close to the halls of King Legolas, when he saw a glimpse of a white thing, moving between the trees. He followed the light and then saw it. A white deer. It was beautiful, standing on top of a green hill in a clearing between the trees. Its white skin was shining under the rays of the sun.

Eldarion had been hidden behind a bush. He slowly took his bow in his hand and put an arrow in the string. He pulled the string and was ready to release the arrow when he felt a cold metal under his neck.

"How do you dare to hunt a white deer? Don't you know that hunting is forbidden in the forest?" Sang the most beautiful and soothing voice that Eldarion had ever heard and he loosened the string. He slowly turned and looked up and immediately his mouth hanged open.

There, had stood the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her golden curls were moving with the breeze. He lost himself in the ocean of her eyes. Her fair skin was flawless. He didn't want anything more than kissing her red lips that was embarrassing the crimson roses. A golden circlet was on her hair which was decorated with white diamonds. Her sleeveless light green dress fit her slim body.

The girl's eyes widened with surprise when she saw him. "You are not an Elf," she whispered. "What are you doing in the forest of Greenwood? No men are allowed in the woods by the order of the king." she said in the common tongue, but Eldarion didn't answer. He was speechless.

Suddenly they heard noises and abruptly a sleigh, carried by rabbits jumped into the view. An old man with brown clad and gray beard was in the sleigh. He stopped the sleigh next to them.

"Elanill Mallorn, where are you ... oh, my mushrooms. Who is this?" he jumped when he saw Eldarion at Elanill's feet with her blade against his neck. "Oh, he is a man. He is a man. That's not good." he said frightened and chewed his nails.

"No need to fuss, Radagast," said Elanill and put her blade in its sheath and peered into Eldarion's eyes and see nothing dangerous. Eldarion was melting under her mesmerizing eyes. "I think he has just lost his way." she said and then whistled.

Just a second later, a horse, white like pure snow, galloped into the view and halted next to Elanill. She mounted it easily. Her graceful movements were stunning.

She turned to Eldarion who was still on the ground. "Can you understand me?" she asked. Eldarion nodded slowly.

"You can't hunt in the forest nor you can be here. Leave the forest immediately. You are close to the eastern borders. Leave soon before the guards catch you, for they won't be kind to you at all and you will end up into the dungeons." said Elanill and then patted her horse. "Go Elenta. Beoren is waiting for us." and then the horse turned and galloped toward the south and soon it disappeared behind the trees.

Radagast looked at the boy. He had stared after Elanill. That was not good. He whistled and the boy turned to him. "On your feet. Run out of the forest and forget everything you have seen." he said and then yelled and the sleigh followed Elanill's horse and left Eldarion alone.

He sat on the ground for a moment. He couldn't believe what just happened. His wish had come true. The woman was Elanill Mallorn, the hidden princess. Nothing and no one was beautiful in front of her. He had seen the woman herself and had not said a word to her.

Hours later, Eldarion was galloping toward Minas Tirith. In his mind was only one image, Elanill Mallorn. His father Aragorn had done a great job before having the throne and had proved himself to everyone. He had also brought Lady Arwen as his queen and she was his other prove.

As his son, Eldarion wanted nothing more than proving himself to his father and do something for his people. Now he had seen Elanill, the beautiful lady of the Elves. If he could have her for himself, he could continue the way of his father and has an Elven Queen for himself and so the line of the kings will be stronger by the strong elvish blood.

Beside Elanill was too beautiful. Eldarion wanted nothing more than her in his life. He clenched the reins in his hands. He will have her. He was making sure of that. Elanill Mallorn must be the treasure of his kingdom and his people. His people would love her as he did and accepted him as the true heir of his father. Elanill Mallorn should be his, but first, he had to convince his father to go and see his old friend and reestablish the relationship between the Elves and the men. That would be another achievement for him because King Legolas couldn't ignore the husband of his only daughter.

He smiled to himself. Elanill was his key. His.

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