Chapter 7: Frodo in trouble

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The first day of the ride was waning. Merry was asleep and Niphredil had put her arm around him to prevent him from falling. She was tired like never before. As they went more to the east under the poisonous clouds of Mordor her power eliminating more and more. It was like she was fading. It was a few hours after the dusk when finally, they come to halt.

"Merry! Merry, wake up!" called Niphredil gently and shook him a little. Merry slowly opened his eyes.

Eomer rode to Niphredil. "we will rest here for the night." He said.

Niphredil nodded and dismounted. She then helped Merry to come down too. They ate a little and most of the riders fell to sleep soon. Niphredil went a little far away from the camp. She climbed a hill and stood on top of it. She felt dizzy. All the day she could hear the cry of Nazgul in her mind. War was at the gates of Minas Tirith. Even if she would ride to the city she couldn't reach the gates alone. It was better to stay with the riders of Rohan.

She looked at the south-east. From there, she could easily see Mordor and the fires of mount doom. She could feel the dark presence of Sauron there. "you will all fall at my feet. And then you will beg me to take you as my queen." Sauron's words swirled in her mind. Her heartbeat increased, then she heard a soft laughter. Legolas' laughter. Her heart calmed down and a smile crept into her lips. She remembered her first kiss with Legolas near Nimrodel.

"there is still hope. We have not lost the war, yet." She whispered to herself and clenched her fists. she looked at the direction of Mordor agian. "Frodo! Sam! be careful." she whispered.

She then turned and walked toward the camp. When she was passing from the sleeping riders, one of them caught her attention. He had slept a little further from the others and had a slim body which was odd. Niphredil went closer curiously. She then saw the rider's face and her eyes grew wide. "Eowyn!" whispered Niphredil. although her face was dirty and she had done her best to look like a man, Niphredil recognized her. Niphredil stood there for a brief second but then spun on her heels and walked away.

It was Eowyn's choice and Niphredil couldn't send away the thought from her mind that Eowyn will play a great roll in the war. She went and sat near sleeping Merry. She closed her eyes and sighed. She then focused her thoughts on Legolas.

"I've missed you, my love." She said and kissed the air softly.

Miles away Legolas had stood on the bank near the Anduin. A soft wind blew. It brought with itself the smell of Niphredil flowers and a whisper and planted a soft kiss on his lips. He closed his eyes in bliss and smiled. "Niphredil!" he whispered. He had missed her so much.


They woke up before the dawn. Niphredil had not slept at all. She saw Eowyn preparing her horse a little away from the others.

"come with me, Merry." She said and walked to Eowyn followed by Merry. When they were behind her, Niphredil halted.

"when I said those words two days ago I didn't mean you disobey your king's order and ride to war." Said Niphredil quietly. Eowyn spun quickly, startled. Merry's eyes grew wide. "my lady!" he said in disbelief.

Eowyn dropped her head. "all of those I love are going to war. I want to fight for them. There are others who can and are worthy to guide our people instead of me. Please don't say anything to my brother or uncle." She said.

Niphredil stared at her for a moment. "I don't force you to go back or say anything to anyone. You are free to decide as you want, but be careful Eowyn. don't go to battle for dying. Go to war for victory and seeing better days." Said Niphredil and then left her. Merry looked at Eowyn sadly. He could see her sad and desperate eyes. He then ran after Niphredil.

"I want you to look after her in the battlefield, Merry. Stick to her side and don't leave her for a second." Said Niphredil when Merry caught up with her.

"I will. Actually, I wanted to ask you let me ride with her for the rest of the road." Said Merry. Niphredil smiled at him warmly and ruffled his hairs fondly. "my brave knight. Gandalf was right. Hobbits are really amazing creatures. you give me courage, Meriadoc. Do as you wish, my dear." she said. Merry smiled and picked up his bag and ran to Eowyn.

They rode all day and only stopped for two hours in the noon to give rest to horses. It was by nightfall when they reached the woods of Druadan in Anórien and they camped there.

Niphredil felt sick. A great terror was in her heart. Something terrible was about to happen. When everyone was resting she went into the forest. Being under the trees made her feel better. She ventured more and then came to a little lake inside the forest. She knelt and splashed a handful of water to her hot face, but her stress didn't decrease at all.

She stood and suddenly she heard someone shouting for help and then she was not in the forest anymore. She was in a cave. A nasty cave. Everywhere was covered with thick spider's web and bones and skulls. Niphredil heard a shouting again and followed the source. she saw the source and her heart skipped a beat. Frodo. he was stick to a web and wiggling in vain to release himself, his blade was in his hand. Niphredil saw a giant black spider approaching him slowly.

"Sting, tear the webs with Sting, Frodo." she said in her mind.

Frodo stopped from wiggling and began to tear the web with Sting as he had heard her. He released himself and began to run followed by a very angry spider. Frodo went a little further but fell on the ground and in instant, the spider was on top of him.

"Lady Galadriel's gift, pull it out, now." Screamed Niphredil. Frodo pulled out the little bottle from his pocket and raised it.

"Aiya Earendil Elenion Ancalima! (Hail Earendil brightest of the Stars!)" he shouted and immediately the glass began to shine brightly, the spider screeched and backed away

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"Aiya Earendil Elenion Ancalima! (Hail Earendil brightest of the Stars!)" he shouted and immediately the glass began to shine brightly, the spider screeched and backed away. Frodo stood and began to run. Niphredil was ready to go after him when she felt something on her shoulder. she drew her blade from her belt and spun quickly and attacked whatever had touched her.

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