Chapter 28: The white tree

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One year had passed since the battle of the Ring and destruction of Mordor. Niphredil was in Lothlorien all the time. Legolas was so busy to manage things. He had borrowed Lótë so he could ride fast between the realms and the gray havens, so he couldn't see Niphredil as he liked and their few meetings were short, maximum one or two nights. Both were unhappy but they knew that it's not for long, so they tolerated those days of separation for days to be together. Finrod, Elladan, and Elrohir were with Legolas most of the time.

Nothing important had happened for Niphredil in that year, except the anniversary. She had become ill on the anniversary day of being shot with the dark arrow. She was unconscious for two days and had a high fever, but after those two days she had woke up and after a week she was completely fine. Lady Galadriel had told her that this would probably going to happen for her every year.

It was the first night of Summer. That night she was standing in her room. It was like the night Gandalf had summoned her to Mirkwood, the beginning of everything for her. The full moon was shining and it's cold and pure rays had fallen on the green and silver leaves of the Mallorn tree and had dotted the floor. The leaves were moving with the soft wind and making a beautiful melody so the light of moon was dancing on the wooden floor.

Niphredil had stood in the balcony watching the moon. She was remembering a memory back when she was in Minas Tirith.

It was after midnight. She was standing in the white-paved court of Minas Tirith's citadel. A sweet fountain played there under the light of the stars, and a sward lay about it, but in the midst, drooping over the pool, stood a dead tree, and the falling drops dripped sadly from its barren and broken branches back into the clear water. No one was there except her.

"The white tree of Gondor." Niphredil heard Gandalf's voice from behind and turned. He was standing there in his white robe, glowing faintly.

"Gandalf!" she said.

Gandalf walked and stood next to her and gazed at the dead tree. "This in turn sired the tree  Nimloth of Númenor, felled by Sauron and burned on the altars. Isildur hardly stole a seed of Nimloth and took it to Middle Earth with himself and planted a seed of it in memory of his brother, Anárion, in Minas Anor or Minas Tirith as it's called now. Since the year 2852 of the third age, no seedling of the tree was found or planted, and the dead tree was left standing until the King returns." He said. "They guard it because they have hope. A faint and fading hope that one day it will flower. That a king will come and this city will be as it once was, before it fell into decay."

"If we win this war and Frodo destroys the Ring, the king will return." Said Niphredil who was looking at Gandalf. She then turned to the tree. "but this tree will not bloom even with the return of the king, for it has died for long." Said Niphredil sadly and softly caressed one of the looming branches. "It shall be replaced by the new one. Like many other things."

"There is not the other one. No seed has remained." Said Gandalf.

Niphredil smiled and put her hand gently on Gandalf's arm. "Don't lose hope, my friend. Great miracles are happing. Maybe one happens for the white tree of Gondor." She said and turned to the tree. "When the time comes the tree will bloom again."

Gandalf didn't ask more, but a light of hope shone in his eyes.


Gandalf had sat on a chair in a garden in Minas Tirith. The city had been completely repaired, thanks to Gimli and the dwarves he had brought with himself. The city had bloomed once again since the return of the king.

It was an hour before dawn. Gandalf was restless. He was smoking with his pipe and blew rings of smoke out of his mouth. He looked calm but his heart was under the green and gold trees of Lorien, where the time was healing, but for now, he should stand by Aragorn and help him to rule his kingdom and bring back order to everything. He sighed, leaned on the seatback and closed his eyes.

"Mithrandir!" Gandalf's eyes shot open at the hearing of that angelic yet familiar voice. He sat upright and looked behind him. There had stood Niphredil in all her glory. She was in a white dress. A faint silver glow was around her.

"Oh, Niphredil!" he said surprised. She laughed at his surprised face. Gandalf stood and walked to her and hugged her. "I thought you are in Lorien." Said Gandalf.

"I came here to ask for a favor, my friend." Said Niphredil with a smile. "I want you to do something for me."

"Anything," said Gandalf wondering what was her request.

"The time has now come. The day that Aragorn dreams about is so close." Said Niphredil and Gandalf smiled.

"But he still needs something to complete his kingship. One thing to complete the renewed realm of Gondor." Said Niprhedil.

"The white tree." whispered Gandalf and Niprhedil nodded. "you were right. the tree didn't bloom even with the return of the king. People of Gondor are sad about it."

"Then it shall be renewed." Said Niprhedil. "Eight years ago, I saw a dream. I saw the white tree of Minas Tirith. I touched it and as I did, a single blossom bloomed on the branch and then it turned to a seed and fell into my hand. I took the dream as a sign. Lady Galadriel had a few seeds of Nimloth which Lord Elrond had given her long ago to keep. I asked her for one of them and she gave me one."

As Niphredil continued her story a great hope bloomed in Gandalf's heart. "I gave the seed to Gwihir and asked him to plant it in secret. So he flew in the cover of night and planted the seed. In the southern feet of Mount Mindolluin you can find a path made in ages past that few now dared to tread. For it led up on to the mountain to a high hallow where only the kings had been wont to go. There, up by steep ways, you come to a high field below the snows that clad the lofty peaks, and it looked down over the precipice that stood behind the City. There you can find the tree." Said Niphredil and Gandalf's eyes shone brightly.

"Niphredil!" Said Gandalf.

"This is my third and last gift to Aragorn son of Arathorn. I want you to take him there and show him the tree." Said Niphredil.

"Sure. I will." Said Gandalf.

Niphredil smiled warmly. "we will see each other soon, my friend. Till that day I should bid you a farewell." Said Niphredil and kissed Gandalf's forehead who closed his eyes. He felt waves of serenity flowed in him.

When he opened his eyes, he was sitting in his chair, leaning on the backseat. All of that meeting was a dream. Then he sensed the soothing scent of Niphredil flowers and he smiled. It was not a simple dream. It was a vision.

He stood and walked toward Aragorn's room. They should go to find a tree.

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