Chapter 4: Separation

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Niphredil went out of a tent that the riders of Rohan had given to them. She saw Aragorn standing in front of the dark road which led to Dimholt. She could see Aragorn's disgusted and scared face. She went and stood behind him. A wind blew from the crack in the mountain wall and brought the whisper of the deads with itself. The horses were uneasy.

"whispers of the cursed people." Said Niphredil and Aragorn jumped and whirled around, facing her. "those who betrayed Isildur. Those who can only be summoned by the heir of Isildur himself." Said Niphredil and Aragorn gulped. "if the fate of Gondor depends on you to take this road, what would you do, Aragorn son of Arathorn? Would you endure the deads horror?"

Aragorn just stared at her with wide eyes. "Niphredil! Aragorn!" called Gimli and they both turned. "Let's find some food." He said and left. Niphredil turned to Aragorn again. "you can't delay it anymore, Aragorn. The decision in now upon you." Said Niphredil and left Aragorn. She went to the great pavilion where the king, his Marshals, Legolas and Gimli were. Aragorn joined them after a while.

"Grimbold, how many?" asked Theoden from one of his captains.

"I bring 500 men from the Westfold, my lord." Answered Grimbold.

"We have 300 more from Fenmarch, Theoden King." Said one of the other captains.

"Where are the riders from Snowborn?" asked Theoden.

"None have come, my lord." Answered Gamling.

"Six thousand spears." Said Theoden. "Less than half of what I'd hoped for."

"Six thousand will not be enough to break the lines of Mordor." Said Aragorn desperately.

"More will come." Said Theoden reassuringly.

"if we could have sent words for the people of Aglarond and the people who live near Adron river they would have come. But alas the distance is so much and it will take too much for them to come. Brave people they are." Said Gamling.

Niphredil looked at him. "how many are they?" she asked.

"at least one thousand riders." Answered Gamling.

Niphredil nodded. "I can go and summon all of them till morning. Lótë can take me faster than wind." She offered.

"It's too dangerous. Orcs and Wargs are in your path." Argued Legolas.

"they don't even notice my passing. I will be fine." Said Niphredil. she turned to Theoden. "I just need a token from the King to introduce me as his messenger."

Theoden nodded. "if they move tomorrow they will be here at night and we can ride for Gondor the day after tomorrow. I will give you the tokens quickly." He said.

"I'm going to pack." Said Niphredil and left the pavilion.

When she reached their tent, Legolas came in angrily. "Niphredil this is so dangerous. Why did you say that?" he said.

"if we want to win this war we need as much as help possible. A thousand riders are a great number." She said and packed her bag. Legolas grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. "I will go instead of you." He said. Niphredil smiled at him. she wished the day come when she wasn't forced to see his beautiful eyes this worried. She caressed his cheek. "you should stay here with Aragorn. You know what he should do. You must be at his side and help him. he needs you. I can do this alone. I will be fine, my love." she said softly. Legolas sighed and dropped his head.

Niphredil raised his face and pressed her lips to his. "I'm going to miss you." She whispered. "you're not aware of my heart." Said Legolas and hugged her tight.

"we will see each other on the battlefield again. Be careful, Legolas." said Niphredil and picked her bag. They then walked out of the tent. One of the riders had brought Lótë and Theoden, Gimli, Aragorn, and Eomer were standing next to her.

"Be careful, lassie. Stay out of trouble." Said Gimli worried. Niphredil nodded. Theoden gave her a wooden box. Niphredil opened its lid. Inside of it was two golden horse heads. "these are signs of the King of Ridermark. Give this to the Lords of each part. They will listen to you." Said Theoden.

"Be careful, my lady." Said Eomer worriedly. "I will." Said Niphredil and mounted Lótë. Legolas came close and put his hand on Niphredil's. "ride from the safest road. Come back soon. Do not engage with any Orcs on the road and only stop at the cities. This is your king's command." He said quietly.

Niphredil smiled at him. "don't be worried. Farewell, my lord." She said and then Lótë began to trot down the campsite.

When they reached down the valley, she began to gallop faster than wind. Soon they were in the quiet wilderness. No one noticed them. All who had seen them thought they had seen faint light passed like a wind.

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