Chapter 37: Legolas' worries

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Elanill returned to Greenwood two months after Lenwë's departure form Lorien and she surprised everyone with her return, for she had become a different person. The energetic girl that she once was had changed to a quiet one who was spending most of her time walking in the gardens and in the forest alone.

It was two weeks remained to spring. Niphredil had gone to her pond. The sky was clear and it was freezing outside, but a thick Azure cloak that she had around her was keeping her warm. Everywhere was covered in a thick layer of snow which was glowing under the light of the moon which shone without the blockage of the leaves. It was floating in the lakes between clouds.

Niphredil heard noises and turned. Her daughter, Elanill had come and Niphedil's maids were bowing to her. She had a dark green cloak around her. Elanill saw her mother and smiled and bowed.

"Elanill, dear. Come here." Said Niphredil and Elanill obeyed happily. She stood next to Niphredil and linked their arms and leaned her head on Niphredil's shoulder. Together, they began to watch the full moon.

"The last full moon of the winter." Said Niphredil softly.

Elanill raised her head and looked at her mother. "On the next full moon, you will have your anniversary." Said Elanill sadly.

Niphredil peered into her daughter's eyes. Her eyes had deepened since she had been gone to Lorien for the last time and Niphredil knows well why. She smiled and caressed Elanill's cheek lovingly and kissed her forehead. "It's alright. It doesn't last long." She said.

"Every time I'm afraid you won't open your eyes again. You suffer from pain at those times. It's hard to see you lying in your bed, fighting with a high fever." Said Elanill and her eyes welled up.

"Oh Elanill, I'm sorry, darling." Said Niphredil and hugged Elanill. "I will be fine, my love. My love for you and your father always keeps me alive. Don't be worried." She then wiped Elanill's tears and peered into her eyes. "I Promise." She said with a smile.

Elanill kissed her cheek. "I know." She said. "I love you, mother."

"I love you too, sweetheart." Said Niprhedil. "More than my life." She then furrowed playfully. "Now, don't you want to tell your mother about him?" asked Niphredil.

Elanill's eyes widened for a brief second and her cheeks found a shade of pink, but she quickly looked away. "I don't know what you are talking about, my lady. I'm sorry." She said quietly.

Niphredil laughed softly. "Oh, dear. you know that I can sense your feelings, don't you?" she said with a smile. "you want to say that you have not seen someone who has taken your heart with himself on your last trip to Lorien?"

Elanill became red and dropped her face, but Niphredil put her finger under her chin and raised her face. She looked at Elanill's beautiful eyes that resembled Legolas' eyes for her. "There is nothing to be ashamed of." She said softly. "tell me who is this lucky elf who has captured the heart of my daughter?" asked Niphredil. in fact, she and Legolas were worried a little. Worried about the prophecy. What if she had been fallen for a human?

"His name is Lenwë son of Lord Círdan of gray havens." Whispered Elanill and Niphredil exhaled in relief. She had to say this to Legolas soon to reveal him as well. "He is the best man I have ever seen. He is kind, brave, wise and compassionate. You have to see him, mother." Said Elanill excited. Now that she could talk about her feeling, words were flowing easily. Her eyes were shining.

Niphredil laughed. "Actually, I have seen him." Said Niphredil. "He was here to report to your father before coming to Lorien and let me say that I'm very fond of him, so does your father.". Niprhedil was happy to see her daughter happy.

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