Chapter 43: Rage is born

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Elanill had sat on her bed and Tauriel on a chair. They both were silent and had stared to a corner drowned in their own thoughts. Suddenly the door got opened and Lenwë walked in followed by Kyros and Kyline. Elanill stood and soon she was in the safe and secure hold of Lenwë. She clenched his robe in her trembling hands.

"I won't let him hurt you. I promise." Said Lenwë through gritted teeth.

"How did he dare?" said Kyros angrily. "Because he is the son of King Elessar. He thinks he can do whatever he wants." said Kyline.

"What will happen now, Taureil?" asked Kyros. Tauriel didn't answer and glanced at Elanill sadly. She knew Legolas' plan about sending her to the undying lands. Niphredil had told her earlier that day.

"Tauriel!" called kyline. "She will be safe. Just know this." She said and stood. Just then, Legolas, Niphredil, Thranduil, Gimli, Finrod and Aredhel came in.

"Ada!" said Elanill and looked at Legolas' grim face. Lenwë took Elanill's hand. "My Lord! With all due respect, I won't let that man take Elanill with herself even if you gave your consent." He said firmly. Even Niphredil and Legolas who were so sad smiled at him. "Of course you won't." said Legolas and sat on a chair. Niphredil went and hugged Elanill. "It's all my fault. I should not come at all." Said Elanill quietly.

"Even if you were not there, still this would happen. So don't blame yourself." Said Niphredil softly and caressed Elanill's hair.

"Now what's your decision, my king?" asked Kyline.

"My answer to Eldarion was obviously no and there is nothing that can change my mind. So don't be worry." Said Legolas. "But Eldarion has a fire in him that I'm afraid if he unleashes it, it will burn Middle earth with the flames of war. There are somethings we should do as well. But for now, all of us need to rest so we can make a better decision."

"My lord. Before you go I want to ask you something." Said Lenwë and stepped ahead. "My lord, I know Lady Elanill for three years now and I love her more than my life. All I want is her happiness and safety." He paused for a second. "I want to marry her if you let me."

"I think if I don't retire for the night, the proposals won't stop." Said Legolas and laughed. "Two men have asked me to marry my daughter. One who really loves her and the other wants her only for power and his plans. One who my daughter loves even more than me and her mother and the other who she is afraid of." Elanill blushed and dropped her head. Legolas smiled at her and then turned to Lenwë "You are a good man, Lenwë, and I'm sure you are saying the truth and you really love Elanill. I will consider your court but don't except my answer tonight. I will answer tomorrow." He said.

"Thank you, my Lord." Said Lenwë revealed.

Legolas went and kissed Elanill's forehead. "Goodnight, my little blossom. Don't let the dark thoughts fill your dreams. Everything will be alright." He said reassuringly. Niphredil kissed her as well and then everyone left the room after biding goodnights except Lenwë.

He turned and hugged Elanill again. "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" he asked. "Although I want it more than anything, I'm afraid that won't be right and make my father angry." Answered Elanill. Lenwë nodded and then went to the glass doors of the balcony and closed and locked them. He pulled the curtains. He then put Elanill's sword next to her bed.

"What are you doing?" asked Elanill surprised. "Who knows what Eldarion will do? You must be careful until they leave here." Said Lenwë and engulfed her in his arms. Elanill laughed and pecked his lips. "Two guards are always at my door, you know." She said.

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