Chapter 17: Elbereth Gilthoniel

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A/N: Hello everyone :) Sorry for long pauses. Please vote and comment if you like the story.


"You can't avoid the prophecy, Niphredil." said a soft voice and Niphredil opened her eyes and looked around her in amusement. It was like she was standing in the galaxy, surrounded by so many stars. "Soon you will face Sauron." Niphredil whipped around and immediately her eyes grew wide. There, had stood the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her life. Her whole body was shining and her beautiful icy blonde hair was moving softly in the air. Her eyes were lit with the lights of stars and the hem of her white dress was floating around her legs.

"Elbereth Gilthoniel!" said Niphredil and bowed her head shyly. In front of Varda the Valar, she felt so small and petty.

She felt Varda's finger under her chin and raised her head. Varda had a beautiful smile on her face. "don't be shy, my dear. an Elentary must not be ashamed of an Elentary." Said Varda and laughed. Niphredil flushed. "I don't deserve your title. I'm sorry." She said.

"don't be, for you are the one who is the most worthy person to carry this title. I'm proud of you." said Varda fondly. "now listen well, Elentary. Soon you will see Sauron in the battle in front of the Black gates of Mordor. I can't say whether you win or not. But either way, you will face the darkness that has been predicted for you. if you lose the battle and Sauron gains his ring, there is no way you can avoid the darkness and Sauron will break you, but if you win the battle, there is hope for you to defeat Sauron and come back to the light again."

Niphredil just stared at the Lady with fearful eyes. "you say that if we lose, the Valar leave us to our own? Will you leave the Middle-Earth to suffer?" asked Niphredil in disbelief.

Varda looked at her sadly and caressed her cheek. "Niphredil, there are some things you don't know." She said. "Remember that you should go to the Battle of Mordor. If Frodo successes to destroy the Ring then you should be so careful. if Sauron takes your spirit with himself to the naught you should do everything, you can to defeat him. if you compromise and he gets your power, he can return once again and with more power this time, even without his ring."

Niphredil's eyes grew wide with fear. "what should I do, my Lady?" she asked horrified.

"you need to defeat Sauron and come back in less than 15 days. More it takes and you will fall." Said Varda.

Niphredil stared at the Galaxy around her. she remembered all of her friends and loved ones. All of their efforts would be futile if she falls. All the difficulties Frodo and Sam had passed. There was only one way to prevent that. As she thought about it, Legolas face pictured in her mind. The pain that he must suffer. Her heart ached at the thought of her love in pain. But at least he would be alive and free. He and all the people of Middle-Earth.

"Don't give up soon, Elentary." Said Varda and Niphredil gazed at her. she knew that Lady has read her thoughts. "your powers are too strong. You can defeat Sauron. Give yourself that fifteen days."

Suddenly a plan formed in Niphredil's mind. She knew that it's going to be hard to accomplish, but it was the only way.

"you should go back now. Courage, Niphredil, and never underestimate the power of love, for it's the most strong power in this creation. Use it as a weapon." Said Varda and Niphredil felt like she was falling to sleep. It was like her surroundings were fading. She heard Varda's last words from a far distance and then she opened her eyes in her room in Minas Tirith.

She sat at the bed. Everywhere was peaceful. The only sound was the song of crickets from outside. The soft wind was moving the white curtains slowly. But Niphredil felt restless. She had a fever. Her heart was so heavy. She got out of her bed and went to the garden. The wet grass was cool under her bare feet and gave her a good feeling. She looked at the direction of Legolas' and Finrod's rooms. She knew that the plan that was in her mind was so hard for those who loved her but there were no other choices. She had to do that for the sake of everyone.

She turned to the Pelennor fields. Only seven days ago that horrible battle happened there and so many ones gave their lives for victory. Her hands balled into fists. No. she couldn't let all of that blood that had been spilled wastes.

She walked toward her room. There was something she had to do before the sunrise and she had to see someone.


Legolas woke up before dawn. Today, they were leaving Minas Tirith for Mordor. He got dressed in his travel clothes and packed everything. Then, he left his room and went to Niphredil's room.

He knocked at the door. "come in." his love's beautiful voice caressed his ears. He opened the door and went inside. Niphredil was in her travel clothes too. She had pulled back her silver hair with little braids. She looked beautiful.

She saw him and a beautiful sweet smile formed on her lips. "Legolas! Good Morning." she said happily.

"Good morning, my love." Said Legolas and engulfed her in his arms and kissed her lips gently. "you have packed." Said Legolas and pointed to her backpack with his head.

Niphredil nodded. "we will leave early in the morning, so I should." She said.

"If I order you as your king, are you going to stay here?" asked Legolas hopefully. For a second he saw a shadow of uncertainty passed form her beautiful eyes.

"Remember that you should go to the Battle of Mordor." Varda's voice echoed in Niphredil's mind. She smiled and kissed Legolas. "No, my king. It's better if you don't order me, cause I don't want to disobey you." she said softly.

Legolas sighed but then peered in Niphredil's eyes. Was she worried? "is everything alright, Niphredil? you seem distraught." Asked Legolas.

Niprhedil shook her head and leaned her head on his shoulder. "everything is fine. I just didn't sleep last night." She said.

Just then someone knocked at the door once and the door opened and showed Finrod. "Niphredil, are you ... oh." He stopped talking when he saw them in each other's embrace.

Niphredil flushed and released Legolas. "Finrod! What do want?" she asked.

Finrod smirked at her and then bowed to Legolas. "my Lord! I've just come to see if Niphredil is ready or not. It seemed that she is ready so I will have my leave. I will see you in the main hall." He said and bowed again.

Nipherdill flushed deeper. "we will come too." She said embarrassed and pushed past Finrod and went out. "when he wants to learn how to knock?"

Finrod heard her grumbling under her breath and he couldn't contain himself anymore and laughed hard followed by Legolas. They then went after her to the main hall.

So in the first hours of the morning, the army consisting both Rohirims and Gondor's soldiers marched out of the gates of Minas Tirith in silence. People have gathered on the walls and watching their leave sadly, wondering if they will be going to see them again or not.

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