Chapter 24: Returned for you

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Niphredil was thrown backward and fell. she tried to stand but her legs didn't support her and she sat at her knees, leaned on her sword, panting hard. She had no idea of time. Everywhere around her was dark. It was like she was swimming in black water. She was there with Sauron. He was standing there, darker than the darkness around him. His long blade was covered by flames. In contrast, she was glowing white with her sword which was like a flaming white star. They were fighting for god knows how long.

"compromise, Niphredil and I may spare your life." Said Sauron. Niphredil looked at him. she could feel his weariness. Niphredil was tired as well. She had no more power. The end was so close. She was praying to Eru that Finrod takes her life and finishes this turmoil soon.

"So you choose death." Said Sauron and walked closer. "be at peace, sweetheart. I promise to kill your loved ones with ease." He said mockingly.

Sauron's words echoed in Niphredil's mind. She closed her eyes. She saw Legolas smiling at her in Lorien. Merry and Pippin learning how to use a sword from Boromir with Aragorn watching them. All of them were laughing. She remembered Gimli's funny groaning. Gandalf's laughter when she was a child and Gandalf was not stressed all the time. She remembered dining with her parents, grandparents, brother, and uncle. They were all laughing at something she had said. She remembered Eowyn, Faramir, Eomer, Heleth and Hathan, Lord Elrond, Arwen, Elladan, and Elrohir. At last, she remembered two faces. Frodo and Sam, tired and exhausted in Mordor. They had passed all of that difficulties and destroyed the ring and now if she would fail, Sauron was able to come back and all of their efforts was in vain. she couldn't let this happen. She should fight. She wanted to stand again, but her body didn't move a bit. No power had left for her.

And then she heard it. Far and distant like a whisper of the wind. "Please fight for me. If you are not lying about loving me, come back. Come back to me, Niphredil. Please, for me. for me." she heard her loves desperate begging and her heart exploded. "Legolas!" she said under her breath and a tear fell from her eyes. The pain that was in his voice was unbearable and she knew that she was the cause of it. For me. No. she couldn't compromise. She couldn't lose. For Legolas. For her heart. "call me when you need help." Ulmo's words repeated in her mind. "Please, my lord. Give me extra power. I must come back. I can't leave him alone. Please. For him." She begged in her mind.

Sauron towered over her. She had dropped her head with her eyes closed. She felt his hand on her head. He caressed her hair and she felt a pain in her head. "Maybe I am at the side of darkness, but once I was a Maia in the court of Eru Illuvater. I have seen his beauty and I can see that beauty reincarnate in you. So pity that this beauty must be destroyed forever." Said Sauron and if you listened well to him, you could feel the real sadness in his heart. For a brief second a beautiful thought passed from his mind. He saw Niphredil smiling at him with their powerful but little child in her arms and he had both of them in his arms. Maybe a little light had still remained in his heart. Maybe he really had loved Niphredil. A woman who had occupied his thoughts since she had born. But it was less than a second. He wanted Arda. Not that petty things.

He raised his sword to finish her. "farewell, Niphredil Elentary." He said and wanted to bring his sword down when he heard a buzzing. He stopped and looked ahead. First, it was only a mere sound, but soon it became stronger and he saw a light. It came closer fast. it was like a star, shining with different colors, navy blue, silver, white, ocean blue, forest green, pink, golden, red. The blast of light came and hit Niphredil and covered her whole body and threw Sauron backward and he fell on the ground.

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