Chapter 23: Love can save

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A/N: Alright. This is a sad Chapter. I myself was sobbing during writing it. I wish you're gonna like it. Please comment and vote if you like it.


Fourteen days passed since Niphredil's fall like a passing of the wind. Niphredil had not woken up. Her face had turned from white to sickly yellow and dark bags had appeared under her eyes. She has got a temperature from the tenth day. It was obvious she had become weaker. It was like she was struggling with a great force. Her breathing had become shallower. They didn't talk about it, but all of them knew that they should stop these breaths tomorrow in the morning.

Gandalf had come on the fifth day and had left with sad news on the seventh day. Galadriel and Celeborn were at Niphredil's bed side most of the time. They tried to cool down her body and nourish her as much as possible. Finrod was with them most of the time. But things were different for Legolas.

He didn't talk unless he was forced to. He neither slept nor he ate anything. Tauriel had forced him to eat a little so he could stay alive. He stopped going to see Niphredil from the sixth day. He didn't cry either. Maybe if he could cry, his heart would be lighter, but his eyes were dryer than a desert, just like his heart. All were sure that he wouldn't live long after Niphredil. The elves were mourning for their King and their lady of stars.

Thranduil was seeing his son like this and it was killing him that he couldn't do anything for him. On that night, Legolas had stood near a little stream, not far away from the camp. He had Niphredil's letter in his hands. He had not opened it yet. He didn't have the heart to do so. Thranduil walked behind him silently. He looked at Legolas' back sadly. His son was fading.

 His son was fading

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"So it's over." Said Legolas quietly.

Thranduil walked closer. "you still have not read it." he said calmly.

Legolas scoffed. "I can't even go to see her. Seeing her in that state is like stabbing in the heart with a blade, white from hotness. It's like someone burns me from inside and squish my heart." Said Legolas.

Thranduil was silent. "was it like this for you?" asked Legolas quietly. "when mother died." He turned to Thranduil. The sight of his dull and dead eyes shattered Thranduil's heart into a million pieces. He was losing his only treasure.

"Niphredil is not dead still, Legolas." he said calmly.

"Fourteen days have passed, father. Tomorrow, we should take her life if she doesn't come back. She has become weaker. She doesn't have enough power to fight anymore." Said Legolas and stared at the passing waters.

Thranduil put his hands on Legolas shoulders and forced him to look into his eyes. "Listen well to me, Legolas. If you give up this easily, how can you expect her to continue? Yes, the pain of your mother's death was so much that it will never heal. But I'm ready to give my life over and over again to just go back in the time and save her, to just have more time to reach her in time." Said Thranduil and let out some feelings that he had kept in his heart for thousands years.

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